Chapter 4

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Emily had been stuck in her office drawing up and reviewing contracts for her clients. Being a public representative for celebrities kept her busy but having Linda, her assistant at her beck and call helped tons. It was ten o'clock on a Friday night and she was stuck in her office, which wasn't very surprising. She had been cooped up in her office till ten every night that week. As she stacked up her files in the corner of her desk she called Linda into her office, "Hey Linda can you come in her for a bit?" 

Linda presented herself not a second later, "Yes Miss Collins?" 

"I'm sorry, but I might need you to come into the office tomorrow." Emily said regretfully. 

Linda waved her hand dismissively, "Not a problem. Do you want me to arrange the new contact list tonight for tomorrow?" 

"Oh no, you can do that tomorrow. There's no need for you to do anything else tonight. You can go home now and please get some rest. I'm so sorry you've had to stay in late this week." Emily apologized. She didn't like keeping Linda late. She knew Linda had a boyfriend and a life. 

"Miss Collins, don't worry about it. It's my job." Linda laughed. 

Emily smiled a little. She was so grateful to have Linda. Linda was so dedicated and responsible. She never once complained. "Thanks Linda for all your help. I'm really lucky to have you."

Linda rolled her eyes playfully. Emily had always expressed her appreciation for Linda and Linda didn't really understand why. It was her job after all. "No worries Miss Collins. So I'll just see you tomorrow at 9?"

"Yes, see you then. Drive safely." 

Once Emily got home she could feel exhaustion taking over her body. She turned the key in the lock to her apartment door and swung the door open. Immediately, her nostrils were filled with an amazing aroma of her favorite dish, steamed chicken with veggies. God, that smells good, she thought. And after a long day at work she was so thankful she didn't have to cook.

It didn't take even a millisecond for her to guess who was cooking for her. It was Ben. He had a key and he has on many occasions let himself in to prepare her dinner for when she got home. No matter how many times he has done it for her, she could never get over the fact that it was so damn sweet of him. But it's Ben... Ben was always sweet. 

He was very different from the guys she had been with before. The guys she use to date were all jerks but she didn't have the luxury of finding that out until it was too late. At first, they seemed too good to be true. They said and did all the right things. They were perfect... or so she thought. She had been treated badly every time and just when she was about to give up hope on all guys, Ben shows up and sweeps her off her feet...


It was Friday night and her coworkers had suggested they go out for some drinks at a bar a couple blocks down the street. She was all for it. She hadn't been out drinking in so long and she couldn't wait. 

Sipping on her second cosmopolitan, Emily was more relaxed. She was laughing and getting more friendly with her coworkers. No too friendly, but for her it was a stretch. Emily wasn't the type of girl that liked public displays of affection. Even PDA among friends was weird for her, let alone PDA with a significant other. She would much rather save the touching for behind closed doors. But tonight, since alcohol was involved, she was more touchy feely than usual and her coworkers enjoyed watching her loosen up, especially Linda. Around her coworkers, she was all business and no pleasure. She was strictly professional and sometimes that gave other people the impression that she was tightly wound with a stick up her butt. 

"Looks like we have to do this again," Micheal her coworker commented looking clearly amused how Emily was acting. He loved seeing her have fun. "I say we do this every Friday night." 

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