Chapter 11

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Liv had seen Ben everyday since he told her he didn't love her anymore. But even though she was hurt, she couldn't tell him. He didn't need to know that her heart ached for him. He was with Emily and she just had to keep reminding herself of that. She wasn't about to make him feel guilty for not feeling the same. So she just tried to act as normal as possible. She wasn't going to pull away from him because that would make him ask why she was being distant. But being normal with him wasn't easy. Especially when her pregnancy hormones were making her want to take him in the room and ravage the life out of him. Being pregnant only made her want him more. 

He was at the loft to paint the nursery a soft yellow color. Because of the paint fumes, he suggested she stay out of the room for a week or until the smell was gone. So while he painted, she decided to make the lasagna she had been craving the whole day. As she waited for the premade lasagna to cook, she took out her sketch book to finish up some designs. 

"I'm just going to get some water", Ben said from across the kitchen. She didn't even notice him walk into the room until she heard his voice. She looked up from her book and realized he had taken off his flannel leaving him in just his white T-shirt. The way is plain white T-shirt clung to his body made her mouth water. Though he looked incredibly irresistible, she fought the urge to run up to him and kiss the life out of him. Even though he made it clear that he didn't love her anymore, it didn't stop her from loving him. She finally knew what it felt like to love someone who didn't love you back. It was painful, but all she could do was pretend it wasn't hurting her. Despite the fact that she had been pretending to be happy and smiling whenever her dad let her down all her life, it was harder faking it in front of Ben. 

She just nodded watching him pull a water bottle out of the frig and returning back to the nursery. She had to take a deep calming breath before returning back to her designs. About an hour later, Ben came back into the kitchen wearing his flannel again and sat on the barstool next to Liv. The lasagna was already done and Liv had eaten a piece before Ben came back. She fixed him a plate and offered it to him. 

The grimace on his face made her roll her eyes and say, "Try it before you refuse." She watched him tentatively take a forkful into his mouth. When the expression on his face changed into one of surprise she let out a short laugh, "Well don't look so shocked." 

"Well, can you blame me? You were an awful cook. But this is good" he moaned enjoying the taste of the mixture of tomato, cheese, meat, and pasta. 

"Well it should be. It's from the box." 

He was in the middle of chewing when he leaned back to stifle a laugh. He looked at her with an amused smile as he shook his head, "And here I thought it was made from scratch." 

She shrugged easily, "Gotta start somewhere. You can't expect me to be a brilliant cook overnight. These things take time."

Once he finished, he took his plate to the sink looking longingly at the tray of pasta, "I kind of want more, but I better not. I need to save room for dinner tonight."  

"Hot date with Emily?" she teased as she plastered on a fake smile. 

He chuckled, "Yeah. We're going to El Floridita." 

She tried to ignore the way the dimples below his cheekbones made her insides flutter as she joked, "Oh, dancing. Are you going to show her your awesome tango skills? Or does she not know about that?" 

He grinned madly at her as he said, "Are you kidding me? I bragged about my tango skills the day I met her. How do you think I got her to say yes to a date?" 

She laughed wholeheartedly knowing he was kidding because she clearly remembers him trying to dance the tango but failing. He was awful at the tango and she wondered if Emily knew that about him. 'He and Emily have only been together for seven months, surely she couldn't know Ben as well as I do', Liv thought.

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