1 : The Outsiders

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Orange and brown leaves blew across the cracked pavement as Prudence Owens stepped out of her second-hand car. Fall had consumed Hawkins, Indiana completely with hues of mustard yellows, bright oranges and warm browns. Even the air smelt of nature and a mild wind shifted her long brown hair over her shoulders.

"No way, Michael is no match for Freddy. He would have him sliced and diced in no time," Prue replied to her thirteen-year-old brother, Grey, who was rounding the car while shouldering his backpack. "Not to mention Freddy's ability to dream walk," the seventeen-year-old girl added, prying curls away from her white cat-eye sunglasses.

"But Michael has more body mass and he's stealthy!" Grey argued, defending the fictional villain. Grey shared Prue's brown hair and complexion but his eyes were lighter with flecks of green decorating the irises like lights decorating a Christmas tree.

"Come on, you know I'm right. No point trying to soothe that bruised ego with me. I'm always right," she settled on and Grey blew air out of his cheeks, annoyed.

"Whatever. At least I'm better at Dragon's Lair than you," he muttered before dashing off towards Hawkins Middle School that was right next to the high school. The Owens' had been in Hawkins for roughly a year, ever since their father, Sam, took the job of Director of Operations at Hawkins Lab after a mysterious and strange set of events last year that involved the deceased Dr Brenner. While Hawkins was small and quiet, Prue didn't mind the almost backwater town. It had the Hawk and that was all Prue really needed to fuel her film obsession. Prue had blended into the town rather seamlessly and had two good friends, a spot on the cheerleading team and a thoughtful and kind boyfriend of three months. The life of Prudence Owens seemed picture-perfect but she fought hard to maintain that picture, and her job at Palace Arcade helped her purchase the latest clothes and bright make-up that was popular among the female student body.

"Remember to meet back at the car!" Prue shouted before spotting her two friends across the carpark.

"Did you get it?" Selena Moreno asked in her usual silvery voice. Selena always had luck on her side: she never had a bad hair day, was a killer at flirting and attracting the opposite sex and had a real nose for gossip. She wore bright colours and patterns with large hooped earrings that never got stuck in her thick, dark hair.

"She means the costume for Tina's Halloween Party," Veronica Marra explained in her softer voice. Simply Ronnie was more reserved than Selena and grounded firmly on the earth with no fantasies filling her head: only knowledge, facts and history. Ronnie's raven-black hair was cropped and barely touched the material of her plain sweater and the white collar underneath. While the trio of teenage girls were not among the popular group at Hawkins High, they considered themselves somewhere in the middle. Which according to Selena, was the best place to be. It allowed the girls to mingle with a whole range of teenagers and allowed Selena to know the ins and outs of every social circle, making her somewhat of the Gossip Queen. She knew all the dirt and rumours blowing around the high school, and sometimes even in the middle school too. The trio's middle status rewarded them with an invitation to Tina's Halloween party and Selena was nearly bursting with excitement over their costumes, which she had planned to the very last detail weeks ago.

Prue smiled. her painted lips stretching. "Yeah. I got it. Took me a while to find, actually."

"Well, of course, it did," Selena exclaimed, flipping her hair. "Being the best dressed requires extra effort."

"Yeah, and extra money," Prue admitted, as Ronnie clutched her stack of textbooks to her chest.

Selena rolled her eyes. "I'm sure that playground of germs and kids you call the arcade allows you to splash a few extra dollars for a fantastic costume."

"I'm sure it will all be worth it," Ronnie added. "Is Patrick still good with driving us?"

"How is loverboy, huh? I feel like I haven't seen him in forever," Selena added. Patrick Turner was Prue's boyfriend and he had agreed to be the designated driver for the Halloween party.

"Patrick is fine. He's just busy with basketball and student council," she explained while being glad she was still wearing her sunglasses so her friends couldn't see the confliction in her eyes. "And yeah, he's still on board."

Selena sighed with a mocking tone in her voice. "Patrick Turner, the perfect model of a boyfriend. So kind and thoughtful and loved by jocks and nerds." She dramatically fanned herself. It was Prue's turn to roll her eyes as she playfully slapped Selena's arm while Ronnie stifled her giggles.

The girls started strolling towards the high school side by side. "Patrick's a good guy." Prue started to defend him as a roar of an engine snapped their attention. The loud rumble of the car echoed throughout the entire carpark. The girls barely had time to turn their heads before a dark blue Camaro was racing towards them with the speed of light. Out of instinct, Prue reached for Selena and Ronnie, pushing them out of the car's way. Selena screamed as the car came to a rapid stop in front of Prue, the bumper inches from her knees. Adrenaline rushed through Prue's veins and then anger followed almost instantly, like flashing lightning. She pushed her white cat-eye sunglasses up into her dark locks. "Watch where you're going, you fucking asshole!" she shouted as she stared at the guy through the windshield. And to Prue's bewilderment, the guy smirked before slamming his palm onto his car horn. With the rash sound of the horn bleeding into her ears, Prue stepped aside as she flipped the guy off as he put his foot to the pedal.

"Are you okay?" Ronnie asked, eyes pleading. Prue nodded with her heart pulsing overtime in its bone cage.

"I can't believe he nearly hit you!" Selena admitted in a voice shifting between concern and fury. Prue shook her head, eyes watching the car's progress beside Selena and Ronnie. Everyone now had their eyes turned towards the dark blue Camaro that was sliding into a free spot. Prue even noticed Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington shifting their gaze to the shiny and loud car.

The wind paused momentarily as if the wind itself was watching with a held breath as the driver's car door open and out stepped a guy wearing denim on denim and boots.

"Sweet Christ on a cracker," Selena murmured.

"Oh, my gosh!" Ronnie agreed, her hand coming to rest over her heart in disbelief at what she was seeing. The blond guy stretched out his muscles while the smoke from his cigarette drifted through the air, curling around his face. Prue got the feeling that he liked the eyes of every girl and boy on him. He strode past the three girls and his eyes lingered on Prue, who was still seething with anger. He jerked his chin in the form of a sharp nod in her direction and Prue knew both her friends were seconds from swooning, but she wasn't. Not even close.

"What a ridiculously hot" Selena blurted out in a heavy voice, almost like a pant.

"Asshole," Prue interrupted, lowering her white cat-eyed sunglasses back over her eyes, trying to distract herself from the almost electric feeling that was washing over her skin.

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