19 : The Dead Zone

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Something emerged from the hole, a mass of sharp claws and limbs. The shadowy black monster crawled forward, it's talons cutting into the concrete floor of the basement in Hawkins Lab. It strode towards the thick viewing glass, looking up into the control room with curiosity, but no fear was propelling this dark creature, only anger. Prue's bones had frozen, her hand still laying flat on the glass, and she couldn't tear her eyes away from the monster, that vaguely looked like a dog, even though she desperately wanted to. 

"Mother of God," her father breathed out, his voice wavering between disbelief and terror. Chief Hopper was right beside Prue, also staring at the creature beyond the viewing glass, and it was like Hawkins Lab had become a twisted and warped zoo. The monster perched itself up on the glass, using its clawed feet as leverage. It's low and brutal growl vibrated through the glass and Prue's hand.

"It can't get in here, right?" Grey squeaked, hurrying to stand closer to his father. The monster peered deeper into the transparent glass, its head moving from Chief Hopper to Prue. No one was moving behind the glass, everyone frozen like statues, holding their breaths, just waiting to see what the foreign creature would do. A snarl erupted from it before it started bashing its head against the glass, trying to smash it. Prue jerked her hand away, her heart crashing again her ribs each time the creature's head made purchase on the glass. It was trying to break in, trying to get to the humans frozen with fear beyond the glass. The monster then moved to shove its entire body against the glass. The window shook in its frame, the sound echoing in the control room.

"It's... it's polycarbonate. It can't get through," Sam Owens said to reassure everyone in the room.

"Have you tried telling it that?" Grey rebutted. And as if though the monster had heard Dr Owens's words, it arched its head and gave a loud roar, as if calling for help or accepting the good doctor's words as a challenge. And more monsters responded to the call, climbing out of the hole. A dozen or so crawled towards the viewing glass. And with a whole herd of monsters, the glass didn't stand a chance. The monsters began beating the glass, and within seconds fine lines broke through the glass like veins or lightning, weakening the glass.

"Are you sure about that glass?" Hopper muttered, knowing that the glass wasn't going to hold. The glass was cracking now, fragments falling to the control room floor. But Prue was still frozen, her feet stuck to the ground and her heart lodged in her throat. Dr Sam Owens palmed a button and alarms blared throughout the lab and orange emergency lights flashed and flashed. Prue's heart went into overdrive and Hopper pulled her away from the breaking glass with two strong arms. "Everyone get out! Move! MOVE!" Hopper commanded, his deep voice roaring as more glass hit the floor. He pushed Prue in front of him towards the heavy metal door of the control room and then waved more people through. Grey and Sam were among those people that fled into the grey hallways that flashed with orange hues. Prue was thrown against a hard wall and managed grab onto Grey's arm and clutch him close so he wasn't lost in the sea of terrified and moving people. Hopper heaved the metal door closed as one of the monsters leapt through the weakened glass, a growl reaching Prue's ears.

"Come on, we have to go!" Sam yelled, leading the group through the dim and cold hallways. There was panic in his voice as he stuttered: "This way! Stairs, go to the stairs!" Prue was gripping Grey's hand, making sure he was keeping up with the running, their feet slapping against the tiled floor. The group fled into the closest stairwell, and with Hopper leading, they moved upwards. Prue and Grey hurried to stay in their father's wake, his white coat flying out after him as he took two stairs at a time. He checked over his shoulders routinely, making sure his children were still behind him; panic and terror were imprinted on the old lines of his face. Screams and gunfire broke the silence, the terror-filled echoes of people floating up through the stairwell. No one needed to voice it, but it was clear that the monsters were on a killing spree. Hopper was running at full speed, with the Owens following him, and it was quickly becoming clear where the chief was taking them: back to Will Byers' room. He flung open the door, and Prue stopped behind him and her father, panting hard with a stitch rooted in her side. Grey was half-bent over, redness flushing his cheeks. Down the end of the hallway the monsters were bashing against the double wooden doors like they were hunting; their growls and snarls thundering down the hall.

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