2 : Fast Times at Ridgemont High

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The small high school of Hawkins wasn't rewarded with many new faces often, so when a new person strolled the hallways, people noticed. The news over the new boy flooded the school like a tidal wave, washing up everybody in the movement. And the intense interest of the whole school (even some of the teachers too) was only made worse due to the fact that the new boy happened to be brutally handsome and carried all the bravado in the world.

Prue Owens was in world history when Cassidy Perkins leaned over and asked about her near-death experience with a dark blue Camaro this morning and then decided that Prue was so fricking lucky. Prue's feelings were the exact opposite as she bit the response on her tongue and turned to a giggling Ronnie Marra.

"How does my near-death by a loud and fast death trap make me so fricking lucky?" Prue asked in an irritated voice. Ronnie shrugged, twisting her lead pencil between her fingers.

"Because the driver is stupidly hot and I'm positive every girl in this room would love to be nearly squashed by someone that looked like that," Ronnie explained, her voice turning dreamy as if picturing how his jeans had hugged his ass in the most glorious way. Prue nudged her good friend in the side.

"No daydreaming about my could-have-been-killer!" she muttered as Mrs Flinders continued talking about the fall of Rome.

Ronnie gave her a deadpan look. "But he didn't kill you. You didn't even get a scratch. You're totally fine! So let me daydream in peace."

"Physically totally fine," she murmured to herself. She could still vividly remember how her skin had felt alive under his strong and annoyingly confident gaze. She shook her head, attempting to clear all thoughts about the new boy in Hawkins away. But apparently, the world, or perhaps fate, had other ideas.

Lunchtime was always chaos with students chatting loudly in their circles while filling their stomachs with the dreadful and usually questionable cafeteria food. Laughs, shouts and the occasional scream was the regular chorus, but it seemed today the air was teeming with anticipation and gossip. Everyone, while still engaging with their friends, seemed to be waiting for the new boy to make an appearance. Selena Moreno dropped to the other side of the table. She quickly pushed away her plastic food tray for something much more satisfying: gossip.

"Okay, here's what I know for certain about the new boy," Selena started with her dark eyes flashing. Ronnie leaned forward on her elbows, her interest piqued. "His name is Billy Hargrove and he just moved from sunny California with his family. And he has a sister called MaxineI got that from an eighth grader."

"And how do you know all those things are true?" Prue asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Because those facts were crossed referenced by multiple sources. Duh!" she replied, pushing her mane of dark hair over her shoulders as she glanced around the busy cafeteria, clearly scanning for a certain blond denim-clad boy.

Ronnie reached over, tapping on Selena's hand eagerly. "What's the other stuff you got on him?" Prue focused on unwrapping her salad sandwich but listened intently regardless. 

"Well," Selena began with a smirk. "Apparently he has a tattoo on his perfectly shaped ass, was kicked out of his old school for starting an underground fight club, and had to move across the country because he murdered someone." Ronnie gave a gasp and Selena nodded enthusiastically before continuing. "I heard he might be into guys too. But I also heard he was quite the girlfriend stealer back in Cali from Carol, who has already called dibs."

"I thought she was dating Tommy H?" Ronnie asked quizzically.

Selena shook her head. "I'm not sure they're together anymore. I've gotten opposing scoops on them."

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