6 : Electric Dreams

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The nippy October air was refreshing and sobering, cleaning away the tipsy cobwebs from Prue's mind and limbs. However, the coldness wasn't a sobering cure for Selena or Ronnie on this Halloween night as the three Hawkins girls sat on the curb of the road in their glamorous femme fatal costumes. Without anything left in her stomach, Ronnie was dry-retching as Prue held back her raven hair and rubbed calming circles between her shoulder blades. Selena was on the other side of Prue, casually giggling to herself with one rosy cheek resting in her open palm. Ronnie groaned, wiping her hand across her mouth.

"Yeah, I know, sweetie. I'll figure out a way to get you home," Prue reassured the drunk girl with a gentle voice. "Selena, heylook at me. Would your mum be able to pick us up?"

Selena giggled, petting at the soft black satin of Prue's dress. "She has book club tonight."

"So, that means she's just as drunk as you," Prue muttered in a defeated voice. She wanted to ring her father but doubted he would leave the lab if his work was so important and unavoidable, and her mother would still be at the hospital. She knew Ronnie had an older brother, but his licence had been suspended a few months back. She considered walking but knew that would be a battle with two drunk girls: one who was consumed with laughter and the other being barely able to stand up straight. They were stranded and it was all Patrick's fault.

"Come on, Nancy, we're almost there," a soothing and patient voice floated on the cold air. Prue craned her neck to see Jonathan Byers guiding an intoxicated Nancy Wheeler to his car. Her white shirt was bruised with red punch and her eyes fluttered shut. Jonathan was taking Nancy home and an idea sparked in Prue's mind. She moved away from Ronnie and Selena, making sure both girls were leaning against each the other to stay upright before hurrying across the grass, the skirt of her gown brushing the earth. She was still carrying Selena's purse over her bare shoulder.

"I got the door," she stated, sweeping around Jonathan struggling with a lazy-limbed Nancy. She heaved open the door to the Byers' old car with faded paint. Jonathan looked surprised but grateful nonetheless. "I didn't think I would see you here tonight," she admitted, noticing how gentle Jonathan was with the forever pretty Nancy. She also observed that he wasn't wearing a costume, meaning his appearance wasn't planned.

"Yeah, me neither. Not really my scene," Jonathan replied, adjusting the seatbelt around Nancy's petite frame. Prue and Jonathan weren't exactly friends, but maybe closer to acquaintances. She generally liked the boy and got to know him a little when they were chemistry partners for a few months at the beginning of the year. But they hadn't interacted since.

"I totally regret my decision to come," Prue said, gesturing towards her drunk friends near the curb. She smiled brightly before adding: "I can't take those two anywhere, I swear!" Jonathan returned the smile while stepping back from the car. Prue gently closed the door but Nancy barely stirred. "We're a little stranded, actually. Would it be too much trouble to catch a ride?" Jonathan looked unsure, eyes moving from her drunk friends to a drunk Nancy. While Jonathan Byers was considered a freak and a loner at school, he was a nice guy.

"I can only take two of you." He brushed his brown fringe out of his pale face. "I have to pick up my brother from trick-or-treating," he explained further. While it wasn't exactly the answer she was hoping for, she respected his overprotectiveness for little Will Byers, especially after last year.

"That's fine. Selena and Ronnie need a ride home more than I do." And it was true. Jonathan carried a now unconscious Ronnie to the car while Prue followed with Selena in his wake.

"Have I told you how much I love you?" Selena cooed, lightly touching Prue's face. "And how you should break up with Patrick because he isn't the right boy for you?" Selena's breath was stale and when she stumbled she almost took Prue down with her.

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