Chapter 2

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Two other men walked out of the shadows. One wore a black mask with a red frowny face stitched on the front and an orange hoodie with the hood up. The other had a mouth guard and orange goggles. He also had two bloody hatches by his sides. Every now and then he would make a weird ticking noise. 

"Your trespassing sweetheart. You're going to have to come with us," the one in orange said. 

'What?! No!' you thought. If they thought you would just peacefully go with them they had another thing coming. With that thought, you started struggling in the man's grip.  

You couldn't get your arms free but you slammed your foot down on his and at the same time bit his hand as hard as you could. 

"Ahhh!!" The man yelled out in pain as he released you. 

You didn't even look back at him, just took off running into the trees. 

"Hey! Get her!" one of them yelled behind you. 

You've been running for what felt like an hour but was probably only 15 minutes. Your legs ached, begging you to stop, you could barely breathe, and had scratches covering your face and hands from running through the trees. Once you thought you were far enough away you came to an abrupt stop.

Collapsing on the cold ground, your breath coming out in short pants and your stomach hurt with every short breath you took from all the running. With your adrenaline quickly leaving your body you soon realized how tired you really were. You just wanted to be home right now. The only problem was when you took off running you completely lost your sense of direction and now you had absolutely no idea where you were or how to get home. So you just picked a random direction and started walking. 

You've had been walking for hours now when you could finally see lights through the trees. You took off running as you broke through the last line of trees you nearly cried out in joy. 'I'm out!' you thought 'I made it!' 

Wasting no time at all you sprinted off in the direction of your house. As soon as you stepped through the front you were faced with two very angry and concerned parents. 

"Where were you?!" "Do you know what time it is young lady?!" "Are you okay?" Your parents flung questions at you left and right but honestly you were too tired to explain. 

"I'm fine. Sorry for being so late but I really just want to go sleep, I will explain everything in the morning." With that, you walked straight into your bedroom and went right into a dreamless sleep. 

The next morning you explained to your parents how you lost track of time and then got a little lost. You decided to leave out the part about the strange men, figuring it would only worry them and never let you leave the house again. 

'It's all over now,' you tried to convince yourself 'I'm safe.' Little did you know how very very wrong you were.   

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