Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to @wildlyyoung15 for giving me the inspiration to continue this book.


It's been about three days since the incident, you haven't thought about it much but still steered clear of the woods. 

Anyway, right now you were saying goodbye to your parents. They were leaving for a business trip and would be gone for two weeks. You would be home alone for that time.  You were pretty excited actually. You could have your music up as loud as you wanted and could do what you wanted. These two weeks were going to be great!

"There's food money on the table, make sure you lock the doors and windows, and the emergency numbers are by the phone." Your mom told you for the millionth time as you and your dad tried to get her to leave. 

"Yes mom, I know. I'll be fine. Just go." 

"Okay, okay. Just be safe. I love you." 

"I love you too," you said as you hugged her goodbye. You gave your dad a hug too and then they left. As soon as the door closed you let out a sigh. "What to do first?" you pondered out loud. 

It's now dark out and you are very proud to say that you spent today doing basically nothing. You laid in bed all day, eating junk food, watching TV and talking to (B/F/N). You decided it was probably time to go to sleep, so you got up and changed into your PJ's and did your normal routine before bed. 

Just when you were about to crawl into bed you remembered that you didn't lock the back door. Groaning in frustration you got out of bed locked the door and double checked the windows to make sure they were all locked tight. 

After you were satisfied that everything was locked up tight you went back to bed and finally went to sleep. 

You were awoken from your peaceful sleep by the sound of glass breaking downstairs. You reached into the top drawer of your nightstand and pulled out the little pocket knife that you kept there for emergence's, never really thinking you would need it.  

You got out of bed and slowly walked to your bedroom door, leaning against it and listened for any sound that would mean that someone else was in the house.   When you didn't hear. anything you started to think you imagined the noise.

To put yourself at ease you decided to go and check around the house, just to make sure. Taking a deep breath you slowly opened the door, praying that it wouldn't squeak. Slipping through the door into the hallway and tiptoed to the stairs, pocketknife clutched tightly in your hand. 

Creeping down the stairs, you froze when the second last step let out a loud creak that echoed through the silent house. You thought you heard feet shuffling across the floor but you weren't really sure.  Staying against the railing of the stairs for a few minutes to calm your racing heart. Deciding you needed to continue your search, you took the last remaining steps to the bottom.

You peeked around the corner into the living room where you saw the window shattered; curtains blowing as the cold night air filled the room. At that moment you knew you weren't alone. 

You slipped into the living room, silent as a mouse, and grabbed the phone and dial 911 but it didn't ring. Confused you looked down and noticed the phone cord has been cut! Fear had now completely set in when you realized you had no way to call the police. You had broken your cell phone last week.  

You decided you needed to get out of the house and went to the back door. The door seemed to be locked when you tried to open it but you turned the lock and it still wouldn't open. You yanked on the door with all your might, desperate to get out but the door still stayed closed. 

Suddenly you got the feeling that you were no longer alone. A chill ran down your spine and you stopped tugging on the door. You just stood there, facing the door, listing and praying this was all some kind of sick joke. 

Sensing someone was directly behind you now and with adrenaline pulsing through your vein you swung around with the knife amid for the person's shoulder and...


Hope you all enjoyed! Make sure to vote, comment, and follow:)

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