Chapter 8

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Still, in Tobys arms, you were carried back down the empty dark hall. You tried to remember the layout of the house so you could come up with an escape plan. For now, you decided it was best to do as they say and earn their trust. 

The hall suddenly filled with the high pitch sound of static, loud enough to make your ears bleed. You fell out of Toby's arms and landed flat on the floor, clutching your head in agony. You seemed to be the only one affected by this sound because Masky and the others were staring down at you and showed no signs of pain. You looked to your left and saw a strange figure. It was at least 7 feet tall, pale white skin, no face, and... and tentacles! 'Oh my god!' you thought, 'What is this thing?' Thankfully the static soon faded into the distance. 

"I am not a thing, girl" you heard this voice coming from nowhere. You were too shocked to speak; you just stared up at the figure.

"I see you boys got a new pet," the tentacle man spoke.

"Yes, we did Slendy. Don't worry she won't cause as much trouble as the last one." Masky assured.

"She better not," he warned than turned to address you. "I am Slenderman girl, the owner of this mansion and head of the house. Do not mess with me." Then he vanished.

 Slenderman? You remember your friend telling you a story about him...but it was just pretend! He couldn't actually be real! 'I'm dreaming, that's it!' you thought. 'I have to be. It's the only explanation. It's all just a horrible, extremely vivid, nightmare!' But deep down you knew that this was all real. You had been kidnapped, taken from your life to be these psychopaths pet.   

Breaking you from your thoughts you felt your body being lifted from the floor and continued to be carried down the hall. Reality set in as you stared blankly at nothing, only thinking about one thing; escaping.


Shot chapter but I really wanted to update. I hope you enjoy!!

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