Chapter 5

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Sorry for the wait on this chapter, school has been a bitch. This is just a filler chapter so it is very short, the next one will be longer

 I hope you enjoy this chapter!

This chapter is dedicated to @Lui_Queen who has helped me so much with this story. Thank you so much!


They've been walking for what seemed like hours and you had long since given up on trying to get out off Masky's iron grip. After you calmed down he switched you so he was carrying you bridal style, instead of hanging over his shoulder by your legs. As much as you didn't want to be in this situation, you preferred to be carried this way cause the blood was no longer rushing to your head and you could think a bit clearer.    

"Almost there now, sweetheart," Masky said. You had to fight the urge to spit in his face, instead, you settled for a deadly glare. 

After about another five minutes of walking the tree line broke to reveal a giant old mansion. Suddenly what was happening had become very real again. 

"No!" You suddenly jolted up in Masky's hold, who dropped you at the shock of your sudden outburst

Not taking the time to register the pain from the fall you bolted back into the woods, away from those... those sociopaths!

'Run, run, run,' that was the only thought in your head.  

'Wosh!'  You came to a dead halt when a knife flew right past your ear and embedded itself in the tree in front of you. 

Wide-eyed, you wiped around to see nothing but trees in the darkness. You turned back around and gripped the knife in your hand, ready to yank it out of the tree so at least you'd have a weapon if you were attacked again. Before you could pull it out, another sound filled the air and you were falling to the ground, screaming out pain, and clutching your right hand. The sight of it almost made you faint; your right hand covered in blood with an old rusty knife completely impaled in it. 

It was all too much, the blood, the pain, the fear. You could feel yourself starting to hyperventilate, your heart was beating so fast you were sure it was about to stop. 

Just as you were about to pass out you looked up and saw a face... a face pale white, longish black hair, no eyelids and- and a carved smile on his face. 

'Nope, I'm done.' Was your last thought before your body completely gave out and everything went black. 

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