Chapter thirty-eight

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[3 years later]

My stomach was grumbling. I was starving. Licking my lips I realized how dry they were. I needed water. My eyes fluttered open. It was hard to keep them open. The light was so bright. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and fall back asleep. I felt like I had been asleep for a long time. I looked around and saw that I was in a hospital bed. What was I doing here? I wished that beeping noise would stop, it was really irritating me. Especially since it kept waking me up at night.

I looked to my left and saw my father asleep beside my bed. He looked horrible. He was so skinny and pale. He looked like he hadn't shaved in weeks. Seriously, how long was I asleep for? I went to reach for his hand but the IV in my arm would not let me reach too far. There were so many wires and cords around me. What had happened? Why was I here?

"Da-" I tried to speak to get my fathers attention but I could barely make the words out.

My throat was so dry. I needed water. I looked around my room but didn't see any cups or water anywhere. I tried to sit up so hopefully I could get someone's attention. As I tried there was a sharp pain in my stomach that made me screech in agony. The machine that was beeping started to beep faster. I heard my dad snore and then he jumped out of his seat.

"What's happening? Whats' goi-" he stopped mid-question when he saw that I was sitting up. "NURSE! DOCTOR!" he started to shout

"Kendall your awake. You don't know how happy I am that you've finally woken up." He said as tears threatened to run down his face. He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. I started to cry from the emotion that was on his face. He looked happy and sad all at the same time. Something bad happened to me and I wish I knew what it was.

"Da-" I tried to speak but was cut off by the nurses and doctors running in the room

"Oh good Kendall, we see that you finally woke up." The tall man in the white lab coat said, "Please do not try to speak. I know you have some questions and I will answer them for you. However, right now, we need to do some exams to make sure everything is okay."

All I did was nod as the nurse started to take my blood pressure and draw blood. Next think I knew, I was being wheeled out of the room.

"Don't worry, we're just taking you down to CT. We need to get a CAT scan or your brain since you've been asleep for so long, we want to make sure that everything is working like they should." I looked up and saw a blonde nurse behind me. She was smiling, she was gorgeous and I couldn't help but be a little jealous.

It was a long and silent elevator ride down to CT; the nurse was humming along with the elevator music. It was nice to finally hear something other than beeping. I felt like I've had the beeping of the monitors in my head for months. There was a young doctor standing in the elevator with us, he looked scared as if this was his first day or he just got fired. He had a very defined jaw line and he looked like he goes to the gym a lot. I could not help but wonder if he was married or if he had a girlfriend. He was very handsome.

As I was starring at him, he turned and looked at me. I could see his vibrant green eyes and just how handsome he actually was. He smiled this perfect smile at me and if I had not of been laying in the hospital bed I probably would have fainted. I tried to smile back but I felt like I just looked like a little girl drooling all over him, which lets be honest, I was. The elevator door opened and I was being wheeled away from the gorgeous young doctor who I wished I could get to know.

"His name is Jason, he jut graduated medical school and is starting his internship with us," the pretty blonde nurse said as she wheeled me into a room. "He was on his way to the meeting with our chief of surgery, he is going to welcome all of our new interns, just like he does every year."

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