Chapter Four

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I glanced over at my father and continued with my side of the story, “It was an ordinary day, I woke, ate breakfast, went for a four hour run, came home, showered, texted my mom telling her Melissa was coming over and then Melissa came over. We were just hanging out in my bedroom when my mom came home. That’s when she freaked out. She saw Melissa follow me down the stairs. We had both been crying because you see August 14th is the anniversary of my brother’s death. He died in 2001. He would’ve been 22 today. Mel and I were talking about all of the memories that we shared of my brother and we just ended up crying.” I wiped the tears away from my face, “When my mother saw us crying she knew that we had been talking about my brother, Mitchell, she hates when I bring him up. She blames me for his death and it’s not hard to see why. When I 10 and he was 14 we were out at our families lake house for the weekend. Despite our age difference my brother and I were pretty close. Well one day we were out on the dock by the lake and we were diving off and racing each other back to the dock.”

Tears started to fall from my face as I thought about that day, “We had decided to race each other to the buoy. We stood at the end of the dock and counted down, when we said two we both jumped in the water and started to swim. He beat me to the buoy but he waited there for me. He pulled me up on the buoy and we sat there just talking and goofing around.” I gulped back a sob, “I told him I’d race him back to the dock and jumped in before we even said go. We both made it back to the dock at the same time. I was thirsty so I got up and went inside to get us a drink. When I came back he, he wasn’t anywhere to be seen. I was scared, I looked into the water and saw red liquid all of the lake.”

I couldn’t help it but the tears fell down even faster but I continued, “I ran to the dock but I still couldn’t see Mitchell. I saw something over by the buoy we were just at. So I dropped our drinks and swam out to it. What I found was my brothers’ body. It had looked like he was hit by a boat propeller. He must’ve been underwater when the boat came by and neither one of them noticed each other.” I wiped the tears away and tried to make the rest come out evenly, “I started screaming for my mom and dad. I was holding his body in my arms when they ran outside. My dad looked at me and saw the blood everywhere. He quickly got in his boat and came to get me. My mother just stood on the dock, that was the day she changed forever.”

My father’s lawyer laid his hand on my shoulder, “You don’t have to continue right now.”

I looked into his eyes, “I have to tell them the truth.”

He nodded and I continued, “My mom blamed me for his death. I blame myself, if I hadn’t of gone inside maybe he would still be alive today. Anyways, my mom was furious because she hates when I talk about my brother. I told Melissa it would be best if she went home. My mom and I kept going at it. The next thing I knew her hand made contact with my right cheek and it stung. I was used to my mothers’ abuse but this time she had this fiery rage in her eyes that I had never seen before.” There was a lump in my throat but I swallowed it away, “She started using her fists and she threw me up against the wall. The next thing I knew she was dropping a twelve pack of sodas on my arm, that’s when I heard it snap. I begged her to stop but she just kept going. She just kept hitting me. I kept asking her to stop but she wouldn’t. I was curled up in a ball against the wall when she grabbed me by the hair and threw me again. She grabbed a book and started pounding on my stomach; I could hear my ribs snap. My body was in so much pain but she kept coming after me.”

I was crying again but I couldn’t help it, “I was in tears as she threw me against the opposite wall and she was walking towards me as if she was going to attack again that was until my father slammed open the door. I don’t remember what happened next because I went into shock from all of the pain. The next thing I knew I woke up in the hospital room and the police were asking me questions.”

My fathers’ lawyer nodded and then asked, “Does your mom have a history of child abuse?”

“Before my brother died, no, but afterwards when Mitchell died and she blamed me the abuse started. It wasn’t as bad at first a few bruises here or there but as I got older she bruised my ribs broke my leg.” I said wiping away the tears.

“mhm,” he nodded again. “Did your father ever notice any of this abuse?”

“No he was always at work but I don’t blame him. I’m also a clumsy person so it wasn’t unusual for me to have a bruise here or there.”

“Did you ever tell your father about your mothers’ beatings?” he asked

“N-no,” I stammered “I was afraid, I am afraid of my mother. I was scared that if I ever told him what happened something even worse would happen to me.”

“No further questions your honor,” he said looking at the judge.

I was just about to step down when my mothers’ lawyer said, “If I may ask Ms. Montgomery a few questions your honor?”

“Objection, can’t you see how much pain she is in right.” My fathers’ lawyer defended. “Your honor can we just take a 15 minute recess so my client can calm down before being asked anymore questions?”

The judge thought over each of the requests before speaking up, “30 minute recess and then we continue with Ms. Montgomery on the stand.” He banged his mallet thingy and walked back into his chambers.

I ran off the stand and over to my father. He wrapped his arms around me. He knew how hard it was for me to talk about my brothers’ death.

There was a tap on my shoulder and when I looked up I found my fathers’ lawyer standing there.

“y-yes?” I stammered.

“We should talk before you go back up on stand.” He smiled and led us out of the room.

I thought that all I had to do was give my statement and answer a few questions from my fathers’ lawyer. I never had expected my mothers’ lawyer to want to ask me some questions.

I wonder why people offend people who clearly aren’t innocent. Yeah I guess that they get paid no matter who they’re defending but I still think it’s wrong. But then again everybody has the right to an attorney. 

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