Chapter Six

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I woke up when we pulled up to my house. The big for sale sign on the front lawn made me remember what all went down today. We went to court and my mother was found guilty. She’s been sentenced to 5-10 years in the federal prison. I was glad that she was being put away and would never have the chance to hurt me again.

“Okay sweetie, make sure that you have everything packed up. The movers are coming at 8 AM sharp.” My father said as I climbed out of his Chevy.

I nodded as I started towards the house. I had no idea where dad was moving us to or what our new home would look like. Even if it was my senior year and I had no idea where I was going, I was rather excited. I always loved mysteries and surprises.

As I was walking up the steps to my front door I heard, “KENDALL!” and the next thing I knew I was being tackled to the ground.

My body stiffened as I hit the ground. When I looked at how tackled me I couldn’t help but laugh. Melissa’s four year old brother, Cade, was standing on my doorstep peering down at me.

“Kendall! You okay?” he asked hoping down from the doorstep.

I shook my head because I was still laughing. He looked so frightened, as if he had hurt me. I reached my hands up towards him and pulled him to the ground. He started kicking and trying to get away but once I started tickling him he was a goner. There was no way he was getting away now.

In that moment I realized how much I was going to miss Cade and his antics. I knew that he was only four and would probably forget about in a few years but still. I watched him grow into this funny little boy that he is today. A tear started to trickle down my face and I stopped tickling him.

 Cade looked up at me with his big blue eyes, “Kendall, what’s wrong?”

All I did was wrap him up in a hug and I didn’t want to let go. I was going to miss this little boy grow up into a handsome young man. He hugged me back and I could feel him start to cry as well.

I held him at arm’s length; his beautiful blue eyes were covered with tears. A huge smile spread across my face, I knew he would miss me too.

“Cade, I’m going to miss you so much.” I said, “You are my favorite four year old in the world. Don’t you dare go and forget that.”

Cade wiped the tears away from his face and wrapped me in another hug. Tears started falling again, I couldn’t help it. It’s been an emotional mess of a day.

“You better save some of those tears for me.” A familiar voice said.

When I looked up I saw the familiar face of my best friend and I couldn’t help but smile. I jumped up with Cade still hugging me. Poor kid, I was gonna miss him so much.

“Don’t worry, there’s still some tears left for you.” I said walking over to her and wrapping her in a group hug.

Once I hugged Melissa, Cade started squirming. He loved me but he didn’t enjoy group hugs. Melissa and I couldn’t help but start laughing as I set Cade on the ground.

“So what happened today?” I knew that Melissa would ask me that sooner or later.

Taking a deep breath I let it out, “She was found guilty and has been sentenced to 5-10 years in prison.”

Melissa wrapped me in another hug. She knew how happy I was about this. I didn’t want my mother to be able to walk around free with everything she’s done to me.

“So are you finished packing?” she asked fighting the tears that were threatening to fall down her face.

“Not yet, I’ve got my entire closet to finish packing.” I sighed. I figured I wasn’t going to finish tonight.

Grabbing my arm she pulled me towards my house, “Well let’s finish packing your closet so we can just relax the rest of the night before you leave tomorrow!”

Melissa practically yelled at me and pushed me through my house. Guess I was gonna finish packing sooner than I thought I would. 

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