Chapter Twenty

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Sorry guys its a really short chapter! I just I'm not sure where I was heading with it and I just wanted an update. I hope y'all like it! 



The next thing I knew Asher was on top of me tickling me with no mercy at all. I couldn’t breathe I was laughing so hard. I kept swatting at him telling him to get off me but every time I opened my mouth the words would come out as giggles. I was kicking my legs in every direction but he wouldn’t stop.

“St-st-stop-p-p, I’ll-I’ll do-o ann-ny-tthiing,” I spat out in between giggles.

“Oh you’ll do anything will you?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Y-yes!” I said and with that he stopped tickling me and lifted his hand to his chin as if he were deep in thought.

When he opened his mouth to speak the doorbell rang. I quickly jumped up from under him and ran to the front door. I checked my hair out in the mirror before opening the door.

“Hello?” I asked and looked up to find Damon standing in front of me, “H-how did you find me?”

I was confused as to why he was here, was this what Melissa was talking about when she said code red? Fuck, did she give him my address? I am so going to kill her.

“Melissa gave me your address, look I wanna talk to you about what I said before you moved.” He started to take a step closer to me.

“Don’t.” I put my hand out in front of me, “I don’t want to hear it. You can’t take back the words that you said. It’s just not going to happen and I will never forgive you for what you said.”

I started to slam the door in his face but he placed his foot in between the door and its frame.

“Listen, yes I am sorry but I need to talk to you about what I did afterwards.” I was a little nervous, the way he said that made my skin crawl.

“W-what’d you do?” I stammered taking a step back.

“Can I come in?” He was pleading for some reason.

I couldn’t understand why it was so important that he couldn’t have called me instead of showing up uninvited.

“No. If you have something to say to me you can say it to me right here right now. So can you please hurry up I have things to do.” I was starting to impatient, I didn’t want to see him and I didn’t want him to know where I lived.

“Well it’s about your mother.” He looked down at this foot and ran his hand through his hair.

“What did you do?” My eyes were wide with shock and fear. What the hell did he do?

“I went to see her and I told her everything.”

What does he mean that he told her everything? He didn’t tell her where I live did he.

“Oh my god you didn’t! How could you tell her where I live? Do you not understand I’ve gotten notes and phone calls from her threatening to kill me when she gets out on good behavior in about five to nine months!” I was beyond pissed and I could feel the tears forming at my eyes.

“Please let me understand.” He started to walk closer.

“No, get the hell away from me. I never want to see you ever again! If I die, it’s your fault!” this time I managed to slam the door in his face. I quickly locked it and slid down against the door.

He was banging on the door and yelling for me to open up. The tears were falling and I couldn’t help them.

I had completely forgotten that Asher was in my house until his hands wrapped around me.

“Hey Kendall, what’s wrong? who was that?” he asked me but I couldn’t speak. So I just sat there and cried in his arms.

I couldn’t believe Damon would do something like that to me. I can’t believe this. I was ready to kill him but I wouldn’t because I couldn’t and I wouldn’t be like my mother.

She’s going to find me, she’s going to get me, and she is going to kill me. 

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