Chapter 2

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'Ring' 'ring'

I look over at my nightstand to see Mary's calling.

"Hey" I answer

"Soooo how's the house?" She asks me

"Uh nice" I say

"That's it?" She laughs

"This was the only house that aunt Lora knew for sure no ones died in" I laugh

"Wow" she laughs with me

"Met the neighbors" I sigh

"Where the nice?"

"Yeah the dad tom he was totally checking out Lora"

"Well she's hot" Mary laughs


"Anyone else?"

"Yeah he had a son" I say

"Really ?" I just know shes smirking "how old is this son?"

"He's our age but he's seems like a totally jerk" I tell her

"Describe him" she says to me

"Jet black hair" black where it's almost blue " uh pale, don't think he knows how to smile" not that I have room to talk "and was wearing all black with a leather jacket" totally the opposite of Luke

"He sounds hot" she swoons "sounds like a bad boy" she giggles

"He's not my type" I tell her

"So how's Eli?" I say changing the subject

"Eli still Eli" she laughs "everyone really misses you even Kate"

"Wow that's hard to believe" I laugh

"I know" she laughs with me

"You know you could always just stay with me" she says seriously

"Maybe this summer but I just need to get away just for a little while" I tell her hoping she'll understand

"I get it" she says sadly

"When do you start school?" She asks

"Tomorrow" I sigh

"Don't worry you know how to handle the new girl thing" she says trying to make me feel better

"Well the first person I've met so far that goes to my school doesn't want anything to do with me" I sigh

"That doesn't mean everyone's like that?" She says still trying to make me feel better

"Just be yourself and everyone will love you" she tells me

"The anti social awkward girl who talks to ghost"

"Well I wouldn't say anything about the ghost part"

"But seriously if you need me you can call me I'll gladly hide in the bathroom and miss classes for you" she laughs

"Thanks" I smile "I better go" I tell her

"Okay call me and tell me how school went" she tells me

"I promise. Bye Mary"

"Bye Jess"

I hang up and sit on my bed.

I hope this wasn't a mistake moving here, I mean I finally made actual friends and then moved away. Now back to zero

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