Chapter 35

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I wake up and notice I'm at the end of my bed, I must of fell asleep when I was talking to Felix. I look over at him and he's still asleep. I almost don't want to wake him, he looks so peaceful and I know he's going to be embarrassed about last night if he remembers.

As I sit up that wakes Felix. He looks at me and closes his eyes; then opens them and looks around trying to figure out where we are.

"Morning" I say awkwardly not knowing what to say

"Where am I?" He asks me confused

"My room" I try not to laugh

His eyes widens a little and he sits up "did we uh?" He scratches the back of his neck

I almost want to act like we did do something just to mess with him. "No" I laugh and shake my head

"Okay" he sighs relieved

"Uh Thanks for letting me crash" he gives me a side smile

"Your welcome" I give him a small smile back

"Hey Jess? You awake?" Mary opens the door and then looks at me and then at Felix "omg I'm so sorry continue whatever it's is you were doing" she says quickly and shuts the door behind her

Me and Felix look at each other and laugh.

Felix grabs his stuff "I'll see you later" he says and open the door and Mary is still standing right there "it was nice to meet you" Felix tells her as he squeezes by her

"Nice to meet you too" she says and jumps in my room and closes the door "did you too?" She asks me getting excited

"No" I shake my head and laugh

"O" she says dispointed "what did you do?"

"He was drunk so I let him crash in my room and I fell asleep" I tell her eactly what happened

"What are you two doing" Eli opens the door

"Nothing" me and Mary say at the same time

As me, Mary and Eli sit on the couch watching tv I can't help but think that I'm really going to miss them.

"Hey babe" Eli says to Mary and shows her his phone showing her the time

Mary looks at me and has a sad expression on her face "it's time to go"

"Thanks for coming. I really missed both of you" I say trying not to cry

Mary hugs me and then Eli.

"Call me when you get home" I tell them

"Bye" they tell me and I watch them get in their car and drive away

Alone.... Again.

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