Chapter 7

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"Can we just say we are sick" I sigh as we walk up to their door

"Come on" she drags me

She rings the door bell, Tom opens the door and smiles instantly at my aunt

"Hello come in" he says

I follow my aunt inside

"It's smells delicious" Lora tells him

"Thanks" he smiles shyly

"Do you need any help?" She asks him

"No no no" he says but it looks like he has no idea what he's doing

She laughs and walks into the kitchen with tom leaving me alone.

"What are you doing here?" I hear Felix say like I'm stalking him

I roll my eyes "your dad invited us to dinner"

"Of course he did" he shakes his head

"Trust me I don't want to be here" I tell him honestly

"Let's just get this over with"

"Okay kids let's eat" tom tells us

Me and Felix look at each other and look away, of course tom sits next to Lora so I have to sit next to Felix.

"I hope you guys are hungry" tom says

"This is so nice of you" Lora smiles at him

"Its no problem" he says

"We will have to have you for dinner at our house soon" my aunt says, my eyes snap to her instantly

"That sounds great" tom smiles

"You just might have to let us know in advance my dad might have a date with Tiffany? Or is it heather?" Felix says like he's thinking

Tom glares at Felix.

"Your welcome to bring Tiffany or heather to dinner I'm sure they are better company" I say and look at Felix

"O they are good company right dad?" Felix smirks

"Enough" tom says in the dad tone

"Let's eat" aunt Lora says trying to change the subject

"Here" tom puts shepherds pie on each of our plates

I look down at my food not knowing what to do.

"I hope you like it"tom says

I just nod, and pick at it.

"Are you not going to eat?" Felix looks at me like something wrong with me

"Mind your own business" I mutter

I feel Felix look at me in the corner of his eye every so often.

"So how was your first day of school?" Tom asks me

"Great" I mumble

"Well at least you have one friend" he gestures to Felix

Me and Felix look at each other and roll our eyes

"I was thinking why doesn't Felix just take you to school everyday since you guys are going to the same place anyway" tom suggest

"Dad" Felix hisses to him not liking that idea

"I'm okay really" I say, I would rather walk through a blizzard then be in the car with him again

"No he would love too" tom insist

"That's very nice of you" Lora says to him

"Great" I mumble

"Do You like it Jessica?" Tom says to me about the food

"Jess" I say slowly

"I don't think she likes it" Felix snickers

I glare at him

"Can I be exscue for a second" I say needing a minute to myself

"Of course the restroom is up stairs to the left"tom tells me

I get up and go to the bathroom. Maybe if I stay in here for awhile then by the time I go back downstairs it will be time to go.

I look at myself in the mirror and realize I really need to go back downstairs and not hide.

I open the door and jump when I see Felix.

"Need something?" I ask him

"I didn't want to stay down there with them by myself" he sighs

"So you stand right outside the bathroom door" I look at him like he's stupid

"So why won't you eat my dads cooking?" He raises a eyebrow

"I don't eat meat" I tell him

"You could of just told him" he says

"I didn't want to be rude"

"O you don't want to be rude?" He smirks

"Not to him" I smirk back

I sit at the dinning table , tom and my aunt are talking about something on the couch.

Felix disappears into the kitchen.

Felix finally comes out of the kitchen carrying two bowls.

He sits one down in front of me and he sits next to me, it's Mac and cheese.

"I hate shepherds pie" Felix tells me like he doesn't want me to get the wrong idea

"Thank" I tell him and eat the Mac and cheese

I guess he can kind of be nice.

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