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Okay, so I have a snow day today and I'm going to try to update throughout the day. Also, some spoilers if you haven't read Library of Souls yet. The song I put up is one that we're playing in band. It reminds me of MPHFPC—it starts out calm and the action just keeps building. Also, I really like the sound effects that we do to make it sound like a train. Anyway...

    (Y/N) was so tired. She was running, chasing a man. He was always just in front of her, almost close enough to touch, but not quite. He stopped, turning around, face filled with horror. It was her grandfather, Abe. At first (Y/N) though he was staring at her, but she turned around and saw a shadow, dark and menacing. She somehow knew that it held unimaginable fear. The worst part was that it wasn't even connected to anything.

    She looked down to where it ended. Nothing. (Y/N) reached out in front of her and felt her hand connect to something. But only for a moment. It walked forward, passing through her. She was there, but not really. It was a dream, but she could feel the utter soullessness of the creature. It was then that she noticed its overwhelming stench.

    She turned around, realizing that her grandfather couldn't see it either. It looked like he had experienced this before. He was afraid—no—terrified, but he still stood ready to fight it, though he wielded only a butter knife. She watched as the shadow advanced on her grandfather. It slid across the grass, like velvet, though velvet is too soft and innocent a word to include in the same sentence as such a monster. Her grandfather kept blinking, as if he thought that would bring the being into a visible state. Slowly, tentacle-like shadows sprouted from where the mouth seemed to be. She watched in horror as the tentacles wrapped around her grandfather.

    She knew he could feel it, and that it was causing him unimaginable pain. He wouldn't go down without a fight though. He slashed the knife wildly through the air. It connected with something, black fluid bubbling and appearing out of thin air. (Y/N) heard a roar from the monster. She watched the shadows thicken around her grandfather's waist, blood blossomed on his shirt. "Grandpa Portman?" A voice called out. The shadow dropped her grandfather and slunk behind a tree. (Y/N) watched as her cousin, Jacob, came running through the trees. He shouted something and soon another teenager came through the trees holding a shotgun.

    Grandpa Portman was whispering something to Jacob. It was clear that he was dying. Jacob kept telling him lies. "You're going to be okay, it's fine, the police will be here soon." It was obvious that things were anything but fine. Suddenly, Jacob looked up and gasped. He could see the monster. The other kid started taking random shots at the area that Jake was looking at. It was obvious that he couldn't see it. (Y/N) was standing there in shock, the whole time. She watched as her grandfather died. She heard whispers, getting louder and louder. More intense with every second.

    "You don't understand, she was looking right at me," a voice said.

    "I believe that it is you, Mr. Nullings, who is unfamiliar with the facts. Eye contact is an instinctual act of communication. It is very natural for someone to look you in the eyes when they are trying to get their point across. Am I not making eye contact with you right now?" A feminine voice demanded.

    "Um, n-"

    "Precisely!" The woman interrupted. "Now, go and let me tend to this poor girl and don't come back until your theories are better supported...."

Spoilers included in this segment:

    The voices faded out along with the scene of her grandfather, and (Y/N) found herself drifting in blackness. A moment later, a new scene popped up, this time a man was holding a vial. In front of him was Jacob. He was in very bad shape. Her cousin's thoughts screamed in her head. He has my grandfather's soul! He kept it all these years! The man dumped the contents of the vial onto his face and his eyes shot out laser beams. He started sticking his hands into holes in the wall, eventually pulling out what seemed like nothing, but was obviously heavy. Was this something else that (Y/N) couldn't see, again? No, she realized. If she focused—really focused—she could see the outline of whatever it was that he held.

    He took the lid off of the object and dumped it into a pool of water nearby. Unexpectedly, Jake had tackled the man and they were arguing about something. A woman walked up behind Jake and took a slip of paper from the man. She nodded. Jacob got off the man and he walked into the water. Light flashed around him and he began to grow...

End of spoilers.
(Y/N) woke up suddenly, screaming. The last dream had passed quickly, and (Y/N) barely remembered it, but her grandfather was dead. She knew the dream was true, and she had a hollow feeling in her stomach. She was sobbing before the children had even come through the door.

    If you haven't read Library of Souls yet, the segment with spoilers was just another dream, and it wasn't all that important if you missed it...for now.

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