14~Jacob, Finally

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Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you so very much for all of the votes, follows, and comments. They mean so much to me. I just want to tell you to please enjoy the short chapter and remember to comment if you find any spelling/grammar/plot/character mistakes. Thanks!

"Jacob?" (Y/N) gasped. "Why are you here?"

"Why are you?" He asked, equally surprised.

"Miss P," (Y/N) turned. "What is he doing here? What's happening?"

As she began to answer, a noise was heard in the hallway, and (Y/N) whipped around to find Horace standing there wide-eyed. He stood there for a moment before racing down the hallway shouting "He's here!" and rounding up all the children. That is, all the children except for Emma, who had been there glaring daggers at Jacob while actually holding one behind her back.

  With Horace running around like it was the end times, it occurred to (Y/N) that she had never asked him which of her cousins was supposed to come. Noticing Emma's murderous look and the fact that Jacob's hands were tied, she exclaimed "Hey, what did he do wrong?"

Miss Peregrine looked sternly at Emma. "Well, it seems the situation has been resolved, so please, untie the boy."

"But Headmistress!" Emma protested. "He's a snoop and a liar and I don't know what else! A wight, maybe!"

"He's my cousin!" (Y/N) shouted.

Emma gaped at her and Millard breathed a sigh of relief.

At the end of both (Y/N) and Miss Peregrine's glares, Emma huffily untied the rope, leaving to put it away. And hopefully the blade, too, (Y/N) thought.

By then, everyone else had gathered in the room and started whispering. Jacob looked both astonished and terrified. (Y/N) felt sympathetic, wondering if his introduction to this new world was as violent as hers.

"Abe?" Olive's eyes widened, her question coming out in a whisper. Jacob shook his head, looking very confused.

   "Children, this is Jacob Portman, Abe's grandson. Horace told you about him already, I presume," she paused. "Well, we're going to be having a private conversation in the sitting room, along with Miss (Y/L/N). I don't want any interruptions while we are up there, so please continue with your business or begin your chores. I want dinner to be on time today," she took a look at Jacob. "Provided that you are staying for dinner?" He nodded, surprised.

"Well?" she looked at them sternly.

  The children scattered to resume their various activities as Miss P. lead Jacob and (Y/N) into the sitting room.

  Haha, short teaser chapter because I am mean like that. 😈
By the way, Emma was the only one who went into the present in this fanfic, meaning that half the stuff didn't happen, so Jacob still hasn't seen anyone's peculiarities yet. *Rubs hands mischievously* 😏

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