Chapter 22 : Date

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"Here! Take it," Evan offered me a glass of water. I smiled and took the glass from his hand.

"You guys didn't need to do all this," I said, looking at my friends.

Right now, we were in my house. By 'we' I mean Chase, Gabby, Jenny, and Evan. I don't know how but Evan managed to get me an early leave from the school without the consent of my mother.

"I told them the same thing," Chase muttered, earning a glare from both Gabby and Jenny. I smiled at him weakly and for a moment regret crossed his eyes.

"You need us, Sam," Jenny sat beside me.

"And we promised to always be there for each other," Gabby added with a grin.

I hesitantly tried to pull them in an embrace. They smiled and gave me a short hug.

"Thank you guys," I said with moist eyes, "For always being there."

"Awe, our Sam is getting emotional," Evan cooed and attacked me with one of his deadly hugs. But before he could pull me into him, the door of my room opened with a bang.

"The B thing," dad yelled, boxing gloves in his hands, "Stay away from my daughter, you prick!"

Evan gave out a high pitched screech and hid under my bed.

"Dad!" I shouted at him.

"Chill out Aaron. He is just a friend," Gabby giggled. But dad was already on his knees, trying to pull out Evan from under the bed.

"Who is this weird guy?" Chase whispered.

"Sam's dad," Jenny rolled her eyes.

The four of us sat quietly and watched the funny show my dad and Evan were pulling.

"HELP!" Evan dodged dad and went to hide behind Chase.

"Wait you litt-" dad stopped mid way as he finally noticed Chase.

"They are dead," Jenny whispered. Gabby and I nodded our head in agreement.

"Another guy," dad said, his eyes wide from shock.

"Uh, whoever you are old man," Chase removed fake dust from my dad's shirt, "Stay away from my buddy."

"Officialy dead," I shook my head in astonishment.

Dad took a step behind, which made Chase and Evan smirk at him. Awe buddies! If only you knew what dad was up to.

"Hah! We just scared a man in his forties. Give me a five, bro," Evan threw his hands in the air for a high five. Before Chase could return the gesture, dad punched them both in their face.

"Nobody calls me old," he hissed at the two boys, who were now lying on the ground, "Now, I want you both to listen to me carefully. You will stay at least ten feet away from my daughter and her friends."

They both looked at each other and gulped down their saliva. The fright on their faces literally made me sympathize them.

"Is that clear boys?" Dad asked through gritted teeth.

"Crystal," they both squeaked in a pansy voice, making us laugh at them.

"Good!" Dad smiled, picking them up from the ground. Without wasting a second, they ran out of the room.

"Why are you home so early, dad?" I asked, once the drama was over.

Dad looked at me with concern. His expressions softened as he saw me.

"I got a call from some Troy. He told me about your panic attack," he said with disappointment. I avoided eye contact with him.

"It's Trystan," I muttered quietly, looking down at my palm.

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