05; tattoos

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I'd never felt a hotter day. The skies were blue and the sun was scorching, the people were sweating. I, myself, had a glazed tip of the nose and trickles of sweat running down the lengths of my arms. A sunburn was inevitable. I did burn easily, unlike my brother who could bask in the sun for days on end and only get a tan.

Dallas was leaned against the large oak tree, a leather jacket despite the unbearable heat. I'd told him to take it off but he only put the idea aside. He zipped it down and shifted uncomfortably, lighting a weed. Wisps of hair had stuck to his glistening forehead, and I caught myself staring as Buck's beaten thunderbird came barreling into the driveway. He jumped out of the vehicle with a larger than life grin and bopped over to us.

He rustled around in his pocket and pulled out a wad of cash, handing me the bills. I smiled politely and shoved it in the back of my jeans. He then gave me my hours for the following week, and before I knew it, Dallas and I were strolling down the vacant dirt roads.

"So," I started, biting gently down on my bottom lip.
Dallas glanced at me "So?" He walked, weed dangling from the corner of his mouth. His stride was powerful, confident, I caught wishing I could walk like he did.

"Where are we headed?" I asked, holding an arm over my stomach, attached to my other. It was an uncomfortable habit.

"Somewhere," he answered, blowing a puff of smoke. I rolled my eyes.

"You're impossible. Can I have a drag?" I asked, eyeing the weed. An almost concealed smirk formed on his lips.

"Have at it," he took it between his two
fingers and passed it on to me. I grabbed it eagerly and inhaled, then blew a puff of smoke from my puckered lips, just as he had.

"Didn't know you were a smoker," he eyed me.

"Didn't ask. But I'm not, really. Only when I'm nervous or stressed."

"And which are you?" He took the thin stick and placed it between his gentle looking lips.

"Both," I laughed, heat rising to my cheeks when I realized how he could interpret me being nervous.

He tilted his head. "Why's that, huh?" He ran his tongue across his bottom row of teeth and grinned smugly.

"You ask a lot of questions."

"How else am I supposed to get to know you?"

I rolled my eyes to the sky. "I'm both, because for all I know, you're indirectly taking me to my death bed. Or a jail cell."

Dallas stopped in his tracks and directed his attention to whatever was behind me. I turned around, seeing The Dingo. I'd barely realized we wandered in that direction.

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