07; vegetables

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"You know, I'm starting to think you have some sort of an obsession with me," I pursed my lips, gripping the keys between my thumb and pointer finger. Dallas shook his head, lips tugging upward. A soft chuckle escaped my mouth. "What? Is that not the correct word? A close synonym, maybe."

"Maybe," he mused.

"Probably. But I'll stick with obsession. It seems fitting," I twisted my lips, getting out from the car. We had arrived at Bucks. I parked the car to the side of the house and trailed to the passenger's side, waiting for Dallas to emerge.

"Addiction?" He asked as he rose from his seat. My lips tugged upward, turning my head to the side.

"I suppose that's fitting as well."

He stood tall, almost hovering over me as he asked, "what's on the list for today, sweetheart?"

I hummed, crossing my arms over my chest. I looked up at him from underneath my eyelashes. "A nice walk around town? Nothing illegal. Nothing that will kill me. Sound good?"

He twisted his jaw, turning to face the oak tree outside the house. "Uneventful, but sure."

"We'll make it eventful," I placed a hand on my hip and began walking toward the dirt road. Dallas trailed behind me, lighting his weed. He passed it to me and I took a drag. Fiddling with my fingers, I almost tripped over a large rock that sat on the ground.

"Hey, watch where you're going," he chuckled, slipping an arm around my waist to balance me. I rolled my eyes and looked down. Scrunching his nose, he sent a fleeting glance down at me, then back up toward the road.

"How was school, sweetheart?" He asked, taking a puff from his cigarette. I make a sour face and looked towards the forest.

"Dull. My teacher should be teaching drama, not English. And we have to read Romeo and Juliet. I've already read it so the classes are gonna be long and boring," I scrunched my nose, blocking the sun from my eyes, thinking about all the long, dreadful lessons I would have to endure. A gravelly chuckle emitted from the back of Dallas's throat.

"Feel free to join me anytime, darling," he pulled me in closer to his waist. I laughed and pushed him off.

"No thank you," I poked his arm, pushing him further away. He grinned down at me. "I'd like to pass. No offense to Two-Bit, but if I'm still a junior at eighteen, I won't be too happy."

"Oh yeah? What, are you gonna be a doctor?" He snickered, "a lawyer?"

"No," I hummed, "something in the arts."

"The arts?" He asked, his eyebrows raised, "you an artist?"

"No, I couldn't draw for my life," I laughed, gazing down at my fingers. I cracked each one, looking up at him, "I like to read and write. I don't know, maybe I'll be a journalist." There was a long pause, before I added, "well, what are you gonna be, Winston? A worldwide famous JD?"

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