08; parties

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"So what, you're getting into fights now? That it?" Steve raised his voice. I was seated on the Curtis's tattered navy couch. My brother stood hovered over me, his arms crossed. I didn't want to cry, which was quite hard for me, considering I had always been quick to tears. They brimmed in my eyes, threatening to spill if said one more word. He did.

"And skipping school? Jesus christ Holly. What on earth has gotten into you?" It was only Darry who was home. Dallas had gone off in the middle of my slumber, leaving me to be woken by my brother, who was now having a fit. His face was a bright red color, his hair combed back in complex, dark brown swirls. I choked on my breath.

"How did you find out?" I asked, my voice frail. He paused, his expression dropping. Narrowing his eyes, he flailed his arms.

"How did I find out? That's none of your goddamn business, Holly." He shook his head vigorously and faced away from me. I sank back into the rather uncomfortable sofa and placed my hands by my side. I didn't expect him to be done anytime soon. He flipped around, waving his arms in the air.

"What's changed, huh? What happened? Because before this, you've never missed a day of school before." He sighed, rubbing his temple with the tips of his callus fingers. He then pinched his nose and glared down at me.

My lips parted, eyes flickering up to the fuming boy. "I have."


"I have missed school. I was sick that one time with pink eye. And I used to skip with James." I got up from the cotton sofa. "Shows how much you know about me."

He paused, shaking his head. "No. Don't turn this on me."

"I'm not," I sighed. "But I can make my own decisions. I'm old enough."

"Not when they're stupid." He narrowed his eyes. Running my tongue over my top lip, I looked to Darry who was preparing food in the kitchen. He seemed unbothered by our arguing, so I continued on.

"It wasn't. I didn't feel up to sitting through an hour of reading a book I've already read," I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. Steve's face was a pink color, blotches of red surrounding his cheeks as he pulled and scratched at it. His eyes were looking strained, the bags underneath them confirming his fatigue.

"You skipped the whole day, Holly-" he stopped himself. "I- just, don't do it again. God damn it."

"Yeah, whatever," I mumbled. If looks could kill, I would have dropped dead.

"Stop acting like a brat," he spat.

"Stop acting like my dad," I shot back, plopping onto the couch. He stared at me blankly, slowly running his tongue across his bottom lip. His mouth parted, about to say something, when Two-Bit came strolling through the door. Behind him followed Ponyboy, Johnny, and Sodapop.

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