Marisa Kirisame

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1. Marisa is one of the few characters with a known living family; she is an only daughter, and her father resides in the human village.

2. Marisa has a large number of fan pairings, most popularly with Alice Margatroid, Patchouli Knowledge, and Reimu Hakurei.

3. As Reimu is often called the 'red-white', Marisa is also called 'black-white' in parallel to this.

4. Marisa has 6 theme songs (not including remixes), which is more than any other character in the series.

5. Marisa can finally teach YOU how to create a Master Spark:
Concentrate your mind
Mutter the spell to Mini-Hakkero tenderly
Aim at someone you don't like
Now unleash your annihilation of love!

6. She is known for copying attacks from enemies she has fought, namely Non-Directional Laser from Patchouli and Master Spark from Yuuka Kazami. Copycat -_-

7. Marisa has a hobby of collecting things. Hoarder???

8. Marisa may be somewhat of a math genius; in Mountain of Faith she says, "I could recite all the digits in pi before I got there." Uh, you realize that Pi has no end, right? This could also be a figure of speech, meaning that it would take her an extremely long time.

9. In Imperishable Night Marisa survives looking at the full moon, which should drive normal humans insane. When Alice asks if she is all right, she says that it's all good since she is insane to begin with. XD Marisa...

10. Marisa is one of only four characters to appear both in PC-98 games and in Window Games, along with Reimu, Alice, and Yuuka.

11. There have been many hints that Marisa might become a Magician Youkai. I hope she does, because that would be pretty sweet.

12. In some PC-98 games, Marisa had red hair. Like, really red hair. And red eyes. HER HAIR WAS SHORT AND STRAIGHT. MARISA WHAT HAPPENED 2 U? MIND = BLOWN
Look at this, seriously!!!

 MARISA WHAT HAPPENED 2 U? MIND = BLOWNLook at this, seriously!!!

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(Artist: ZUN)

How did I not know about such a significant change in Marisa? •~•

13. Marisa is the author of The Grimoire of Marisa, which is basically a collection of spell cards and other Danmaku from people she has fought. I got most the art for this book from The Grimoire of Marisa.

14. In Marisa's first game, Story of Eastern Wonderland she was actually a minion of Mima., she was actually a dark sider. Mind = even more blown. Wonder what made her join the good side?

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