Keine Kamishirasawa

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Keine :D she one of my faves

1. Keine seems to have a strong desire to protect humans and would probably be the safest person in Gensokyo for any human to be around.

2. Fanon often likens her to a cow because of the horns and tail of her hakutaku form.

How dare you call Keine a cow I will FIND YOU.

3. Fanon sometimes portrays Keine as a gentle if stern person who becomes an Ax-Crazy psychopath that likes to CAVE people during a full moon.

0_0 idk if she acts like dat in the game or not but umm okay.

4. "EX Keine" is Keine's fan nickname for her hakutaku form, due to its appearance on the Extra Stage.

5. According to Mokou in Cage of Lunatic Runagate if given the chance Keine will go into extreme detail while explaining something unless cut off.

6. While she does turn into a hakutaku during a full moon, she doesn't become evil or anything. Though it's still best not to interrupt her work.

7. Despite being half-youkai, she protects the human village from youkai.

8. Keine gives out headbutts to anyone who fails to hand in their homework. Getting headbutted on the full moon when she's in EX-mode is the other major definition of CAVED.

9. Keine's ability as a human is to hide history, not destroy it. As in, hiding an entire Human village from history to make sure Youkai don't find it, yet still letting it exist. It is also a Running Gag in the fandom that missing characters were also hidden by her powers, like Rin Satsuki. SO THATS WHAT REALLY HAPPENED TO RIN


10. Most of her spell cards are based on the history of the Emperor of Japan.

11. A usual mistake about her abilities is people mistake the ability of hakutaku-Keine as to be able to erase a piece of history; however, her ability in her hakutaku form is to create it, and in humanoid form is to eat (or conceal) it; fundamentally she can only conceal it, not erase.

12. Keine is the only character in Imperishable Night to have 2 Last Word Spell Cards rather than 1

13. As a teacher, she is commonly addressed by the respectful title of 「慧音先生」 or "Keine-sensei."

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