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Dude. Her theme. Is literally two themes combined.

1. Kikuri has a sun-like fire aura around her.

2. She attacks with eye beams at one point.

3. "Magic Mirror," a higher-pitched version of which is used for Elis.

4. Beyond the disk itself, the engraving shows a ball of energy hovering.

5. Kikuri's name can mean "Chrysanthemum Science".

7. Kikuri is probably a reference to Kikurihime, who mediated the dispute between the two Shinto creator Gods Izanagi and Izanami.

8. In Perfect Cherry Blossom, a disc looking like her appears on the description of stage 3.

 In Perfect Cherry Blossom, a disc looking like her appears on the description of stage 3

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9. She is seen paired with Konngara, due to the fact that they both appear when you choose the Jigoku Route.


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10. On the sides of her head, there something that looks like wings or ribbons. Because of that, that is how she is portrayed in fanart. But, it is sometimes drawn without them or as if it were a part of her hair.

11. Kikuri has been portrayed as impossible to defeat because some players have trouble defeating her.

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