a teaspoon of honey

625 49 27

"tea and honey is a very grand thing."

-Pooh Bear

•   A U T H O R ' S   N O T E   •

hey there, lovelies ♥

i hear what you're thinking. "what is she doing? she already has another rant book which she hasn't uploaded in 27468 years! this is outrageous! she must be condemned!"

you're perfectly right. and i have absolutely no excuse to justify myself except:

a) that other book was too structured and it made for very difficult writing when all i want to do is to deteriorate the english language with various grammatical mistakes.

b) i am easily bored.

c) it's my book dammit and i can ignore it if i want to.

d) all of the above.

truth be told, i just want a space where i dont have to be precise and proper and all tucked in. this is it, i suppose. welcome to your typical rant book, where i share a lot of feelings about things that i have a lot of feelings for. you're welcome to join in, if you like. i deal with life best when i write about it and i guess this was long called for. here's to a very unabridged version of *me*. please dont trip over the mess scattered on the floor.

I'M ALSO ANSWERING QUESTIONS so feel free to leave one in the comments. they can be about absolutely anything, dont worry. i might also be answering questions about trtbu, but lets see because im still in the process of writing it. (why not, it's only been 544 years.)

hopefully, you'll leave this book a little more befuddled that usual. that's my goal. i also hope that you might learn something new. please remember, this is only my view on various topics and yours may differ, that's totally fine. we can all agree to disagree here. 

welcome to the family,


(say hello to Pooh, my spirit animal)

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(say hello to Pooh, my spirit animal)

a teaspoon of honeyWhere stories live. Discover now