how to write a book on wattpad

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     hello! Now, as many of you are aware, I am only too qualified to be writing about this subject seeing as how I've written oceans and oceans of books on wattpad.

     hello! Now, as many of you are aware, I am only too qualified to be writing about this subject seeing as how I've written oceans and oceans of books on wattpad

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     This is, of course, a lie. I've written only one proper book since the six-something years I've been here, and that too one that took me almost as many years to write and one I'm not entirely happy with. So I won't argue that I'm not the most reliable source when it comes to book-writing advice, but for the next twenty minutes, let's pretend I am. 

     So let's get right into it: writing a book isn't easy. It's a lot of fun, sometimes, but it's a lot of damned hard work, and writing one on wattpad is a whole other kettle of fish. I know nothing about book-writing, very little about literature, too little about grammar and plot-lining and marketing and all those things that make a book so good. I don't pretend to be an expert nor some wand-wielding magician, and I won't pretend like my book (the only one I've written so far) is magnificent in any way, shape or form. 

     But even though I am not all these things, I have written a book. A rather large, drawn out, shape-shifting monstrous thing. It took me five years and a lot of soul to crank out. So any advice I give you is merely from my own personal experience on wattpad and honestly nothing you should take too seriously.

     You see, many of us writing here are not otherwise writers by profession (else we wouldn't be here heuheu) but you know what I mean

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     You see, many of us writing here are not otherwise writers by profession (else we wouldn't be here heuheu) but you know what I mean. We aren't professional writers. We write because it's fun, because it's our passion, or a hobby we long abandoned, or a hidden treasure we keep locked away from friends. Most of us may want to be published some time in the future, as fanatical or impossible a dream as that may be, and wattpad is a safe space where it's easy to make mistakes and be less than perfect.

     I repeat: make mistakes and be less than perfect.

    Here's a list of Things I Wish I Knew When I Joined Wattpad (alternatively titled: Things I Want to Tell Baby Wattpad Writers or Things That Would've Saved Me a Whole Lot of Blood, Sweat and Tears had I Known Them Earlier or Nice Things to Know That Might Make Living Easier).

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