6. Night Changes

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October 17th 2014, London

I woke up, took my phone and saw multiple notifications from Twitter. I was shocked when I saw that my followers had grown from 500 to 3K followers in just one night. I only understood after a few minutes that it had happened because the boys had followed me back. I noticed that their fans had already started wondering who I was and why they all followed me suddenly. Those boys had such a power over them. Luckily enough I had never been too active on Twitter so people hadn't been able to find anything embarrassing about me.

I walked to the studio just like I had done for the last couple of weeks but, for the first time, I saw paparazzi with big cameras waiting for someone to come out. I wondered how I should've behaved and decided to walk unbothered. I felt happy and relieved when they didn't even pay attention to me.

I entered the studio and could feel a weird tension in the room. I looked around but no one said anything. I headed to the recording studio that was booked for me and started doing my things.

I was recording when I heard the door opening. I turned around and was surprised to see someone that I definitely didn't expect to see: Harry Styles. I immediately stopped singing because I felt intimidated by him, we stared at each other for a few seconds, when John, the producer I had been working with for a few songs, started chatting with him.

I exited the recording booth and made my way towards them. I politely said hi and his smile grew wider.

"Lovely to see you again Jade" he said, "I was wondering if someone had cut your tongue" he teased.

"Yeah sorry about that" I giggled, "don't know why it took me so long to come here"

"You two know each other?" John interrupted us

"Yes we met two nights ago" Harry handled the situation, while I started to feel my cheeks turning red

"Well if you don't mind I'll leave now" he smirked, "I have something to take care of" and he left.

I looked at Harry. He was wearing a black t-shirt and black skinny jeans and even if it was really simple, he looked handsome. As I was thinking about how good he always looked, I started feeling self-conscious, I probably looked pretty bad since I was wearing my hair in a bun and only had some mascara on.

"Were you uncertain when you followed me on Twitter?" he teased

"I actually was" I winked and I could notice he didn't expect this comeback from his face. He remained silent for a while, probably thinking about what to say next, then just looked at me with those emerald eyes. Was it even possible for a gaze to make you feel this weak?

"I must admit I stalked your profile and I was disappointed to see you don't post that much" he stalked me, was he for real?

"Never been a social media addict but now that I know you stalk me things could definitely change" I winked as he smirked

"What are you working on?" he asked, changing the subject, looking at the papers in my hands

"I was recording the finals vocals for a song" I looked down, feeling more and more self-conscious and wondering what he'd think of my voice.

He walked to the control surface and pressed the "play" button. As Over's melody started, he decided to take a sit on the big couch. I could see him slightly moving his head to the rhythm and felt kind of satisfied. He listened to the whole song but didn't say anything. When it finished, he stayed silent and the anxiety was killing me. I didn't even know why I cared so much about his opinion anyway.

"So what do you think of it?" I asked unable to bear the silence any longer

"I love it", he smiled genuinely, "I absolutely adore your voice, Simon was right"

"Thank you, it means a lot" I finally let out the breath I didn't know I was keeping, "do you think I should change something?"

He shook his head, "so... you and your boyfriend are over?" he asked while looking down


"You don't look as relaxed as the other night around me" he pointed out

"That's because I'm not" I giggled as he stood up and walked towards me

"You should take a deep breath" he put his hands on my shoulder and started massaging my back teasingly, I shivered at his touch,  "and realize I'm just a 20 years old normal boy" he said

"I don't feel this way because you're the Harry Styles trust me" I wittily replied

"Should I ask you the real reason then?"

"I wouldn't know how to answer" I sighed, realizing that I actually didn't know why he had this effect on me

While he still had his hands on me, the door flew open taking us both by surprise. He removed his hands quickly and we turned around at the same time. Simon had entered the room and was glaring at Harry. He told him that they had been waiting for him for a half an hour and that he had to hurry to the recording studios because they were running late. Harry apologized and asked me if I wanted to go with them. I agreed since I had finished for the day so we walked together to the recording studio. While we were walking next to each other, he explained that he had recorded his part with the other boys on the bus tour but there were some problems with the audio so he was unexpectedly called that day to record it again.

Harry walked to the booth, put the headphones on, nodded at the sound engineer and a melody started playing. He waited for about a minute and then he started singing,

"We're only getting older baby and I've been thinking about it lately does it ever drive you crazy just how fast the night changes? Everything that you've ever dreamed of disappearing when you wake up but there's nothing to be afraid of even when the night changes it will never change me and you"

He had his eyes closed and from his gestures I could notice how much he was feeling that song. His voice was indescribable. It was unique, deep, dark, soft and sweet. I was speechless and finally understood in that moment why every girl was so in love with him.

After a few attempts, they finally were satisfied with the result. The other boys had already recorded their part so the engineer worked for a while to put them together. We were chilling on the sofa, when he looked at us and started playing the song. It was a nice song, the lyrics were kind of profound too and, to be honest, I didn't think I was going to like a One Direction song so much.

"Do you like it?" he asked hopeful

"I actually do" I smiled

"You didn't expect to?" he sounded ironic

"I didn't expect to like it this much" I laughed and covered my face as he pretended to be offended, I gently tapped his shoulder and he started laughing too.

"When is this coming out?" I asked curiously

"In a month" he giggled, "17th of November, Four, check it out" he winked

"You were trained well, good boy" we laughed

"So.. what are you doing tonight?" he asked grinning

"I was planning on watching a movie or something"

"What about you come to mine and we watch it together?" he confidently asked

"Fine" I smiled as we walked towards the exit.


Author's note:

Hello everybody and thank you for reading this chapter. What do you think about Jade and Harry so far from what you've read? :) Let me know what you think of it and if you liked the chapter please vote it :)

I don't own any of the lyrics quoted in this chapter! The song is Night Changes by One Direction.

Also, I'm not english or american or australian so I know my english is not perfect. If you notice mistakes or whatever let me know.

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