89. Smooth Criminal

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Warning: mature language used in this chapter

March 8th 2017, London

In front of me, I saw the creepy boy from Salzburg, staring at me with a weird smirk on his face.  All the alcohol I had intaken seemed to vanish and all I could do was freak out because I was completely aware of what was going to happen to me. As soon as I realized that there wasn't much I could do, I cursed myself for switching my phone off, I started sweating and panicking and felt unable to move.

"What are you doing in here?" I asked frightened, "how did you get inside?"

"I told you we'd see each other again, Jade" the boy replied, "why do you look so scared?" he cruelly asked as he started getting closer, "I'm not going to hurt you," he said, and a tear streamed down my cheek, "far from it... I'm gonna make you feel the best things you've ever felt in your life..." 

"Who are you?" I whispered, 

"Why do you care?" he laughed once again, "you don't have to know my name to feel pleasure," he said as he caressed my cheek, "you'll be crying for something else in a little," he chuckled, before starting unbuttoning my coat, "have you been drinking?" he asked, "this is even better... I heard you get a little crazy when you've had a glass too much,"

"Stop!" I raised my voice, "please, I don't want this," I cried, 

"That's too bad you don't have a choice..." he winked, "right?" 

"Why are you doing this to me?" I cried but, instead of replying, he tried kissing my neck before I was able to distance myself,

"Jade, don't even try making this harder," he shook his head, "you can't escape from this!" 

"Please, just tell me who are you" I whispered, "and why you're doing this to me"

"Let's say I'm friends with one of your acquaintances," he smirked, "and I'm doing this person a favor... while enjoying myself" 

"And torturing me is supposed to be a favor to someone?" I tried to delay whatever he wanted to do by distracting him, 

"Oh, stop" he laughed, "I'm not torturing you, I'm making you feel pleasure... Trust me, you will feel grateful when I'm done with you," he laughed again making me feel more and more anxious, "now, let's cut the crap, let's get this over with!"

"What can I do to make you stop?" I cried but he just grabbed my wrists and violently pulled me closer to him. He started kissing my neck, making me feel like the dirtiest woman on earth, while finally getting my coat off. I felt a tear stream down my face as he sucked my skin, probably leaving his mark. He was able to roughly tear my dress off, leaving me in my underwear in front of this crazy man. I tried to cover my body but my arms couldn't do much, especially since he grabbed them and shove them away as soon as I tried to move them. Never in my life, I had felt more uncomfortable, violated and naked in front of someone. I didn't know what to do, if I should have tried to stop him, if I should have just gone along and let him ruin my life. All I could really do was cry, but he didn't care about my tears. 

"You're such a sexy little one," he licked his lips, "I bet you taste just amazingly," 

"You're disgusting! Get your hands off me!" I raised my voice, hoping someone would hear me, but aware that my house was pretty soundproof, 

"You're really pissing me off, Jade" he meanly stared at me, "and when I'm pissed, I'm much more violent... so shut the fuck up, and let me fuck you as hard as you've never been fucked" he said, before pulling me even close and making me cry even harder. 

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