2 ; friday night

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as the bell for sixth period rang i grabbed my purse off my desk and headed for the door

"kelsey come here please" mrs.dunn stopped me. damn i was so close to leaving


"do you think you could go to the library tonight at 8 with grayson? i need you to help him with this assignment"

"it's a friday night!"



she laughed a little, our friendship was as if she was the same age.

she gave me a long 'please i'll do anything' type  stare

"fine" i give in

"see you monday" she smiled and i headed for the door

fantastic, on a friday night i have to go to the library with grayson. why does he need so much help


i shoved my key into my front door and swung it open. my only other siblings name is jake but he is away at college. my mom is a lawyer and is usually at work until dinner time and my dad lives thirty minutes away.

"hey where have you been? it's almost 8" my mom said from the kitchen. i walked in and threw my bag on the couch

"i went over to tiffanys. i have to go to the library so i'm leaving again" i said and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge

"what about dinner?" she asked

"save me some!" i shouted already out the door again. i shouldn't be wasting my friday night doing this.

as i walked into the library i groaned. i saw grayson sitting at a round table in the back

"hey" i say and sit next to him

"hi" he sounded annoyed

"so you need help with the project, let me see what you have so far" i say

"i don't want to be here doing this stupid project" he said sliding the paper at me

it was blank

"you think i want to be here? i'd much rather be at a party then be sitting here with you" i say

he stayed quiet

"what's your biggest accomplishment or something your proud of that you did in high school" i asked

he shrugged

"what about all those sport awards?" i ask

"i don't want to write about sports. what's yours about?" he said

i actually had no clue yet, i hadn't even started writing it

"graduating early" i lie

"boring" he said and i rolled my eyes

"why do you even take journalism if you don't want to write?" i ask

"it was the only class open. why do you take it" he said

"cause i love writing and i'm good at it. that's what i'm gonna be, a writer" i say

"wow so original" he said with attitude

"well it beats being a football player" i say

he mocked me by saying exactly what i said in a 'girl' voice

"i'm leaving this isn't worth my time" i say picking up my things

"where are you going?" he said

"to emily hoskings party, maybe i'll see you there" i say rolling my eyes and leaving


[ boring chapter but still so excited for this book :)))]

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