17 ; trains and planes

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last day of school

"ahh! are last day of high school! this is so surreal" i smile hard

"i'm glad we're going into it together" brittany said hugging me

we were walking into school, ready to finish what we started 4 years ago. i never thought this day would come

"me too. & i'm also glad i got my farewell done, i was having such a hard time with it until.."

"until you started dating grayson fucking dolan!" she finished my sentence

"life is finally starting to not suck" i laugh "oh shit i'm late! i'll see you for lunch?"

"see ya!"

i quickly turned the corner and ran to grayson's locker, he was standing there holding a piece of paper & reading it

"what's that?" i asked

"oh hey babe, it's nothing just homework" he smiled and shut his locker

"have you heard back from njcu?" i asked

"yeah they have no spots till the spring semester" he said

"okay well that's good"

the thought of grayson being in new jersey and me being across the country in california made me sick to my stomach. we just start dating and in 2 months we won't even see each other anymore. to top it all of he doesn't even want to talk about it

"i have to go to guidance quickly, i'll see you at lunch?" he said

"i'm going to eat with brittany. can we hangout tonight?" i ask

"of course" he kissed my cheek and turned down the hallway


i waited outside the deans for brittany to finish her meeting before lunch, and i wondered what was taking so long

"oh my god! ahhhhh!!" she came out screaming

"what are you so hype about?"

"you know how i was waitlisted at university of nevada? a spot opened up and i can go!!" she said it so fast but i caught every word

"no way!" i screamed

we both started yelling, hugging and jumping up and down

"only a state away from you!"

"i'm so happy for you and us!" i smiled

"wait oh my god ethan is going there too! you guys should talk, so you both already have a friend when you get there!" i suggested

"really that's great! i'll have to talk to him soon" she said

"alright now let's go celebrate at taco bell" i laughed and we walked out of the building


kelsey: hey i just got home

grayson: come over

kelsey: omw

i walked across my lawn and onto grayson's porch and knocked on the door. ethan answered

"hey ethan"

"hey grayson's upstairs" he said

"thanks. oh and i've been meaning to tell you brittany is going to the same school as you. you should hit her up"

"hmm i will" he smiled

i walked up the stairs and let myself into grayson's bedroom. when i walked in he had his gown and cap on

"you look adorable"

he turned around and smiled

"why thank you. did you get yours?"

"yep. i'm kinda scared for tomorrow tho" i say

"why you'll do great" he says

"not the farewell. us graduating. it's scary"

"us graduating is scary or us not being together in the fall is scary?" he asked

"both" i pout

"we are going to be fine, i promise you. plus there's trains and planes. i will be with you every second i can" he reassured me

i took a deep breath and prayed he was right


the bucket list ; grayson dolan Where stories live. Discover now