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Thea's POV

I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk towards my room door. The room's completely empty, there's nothing left inside it anymore.

We loaded all of our stuff into a shipping container yesterday. There's not even a bed in my room.

We all had to sleep on matresses. I sigh looking at my room. It's never been this empty or clean. My stuff is usually scattered everywhere.

I walk towards the door grabbing a hold of my small suitcase. I get to the doorframe and put my hand on it. I turn my head once more just to look at my old room.

All my old memories come to mind. But I shove them down. Not wanting to relive the past.

I creep downstairs and put my bags in the lounge. I grab my phone and dad's car keys and go for one last ride in my neighborhood.

Well... It won't be my neighborhood for much longer.

I turn the key in the car and open the garage and put my foot on the petrol. I speed out of the house and down the street.

Dad's car is still here because it's a hire car since all of our stuff is gone. His work had to give him one just until we shipped ourselves half way around the world.

Oh and I woke up two hours earlier than everyone in the house. Just so that I could have sometime to myself. To have my last view of my city before moving to his...

Him. Carter Adams. He was my friend a long time ago, best friend actually. But we drifted apart when he moved. Now we'll be moving to the same city, same country as him.

I wonder if I'll see him. Probably not I hear the city is quite large.

Would I really want to see him though? I mean it's been ten years. Ten fucking years since I last saw or even heard him.

I shake my head and sigh. We're probably so different now we won't recognize each other.

I decide to drop by my favorite gang. And no it's not the one my brother happens to be apart of. It's the ones my friends are in. Their twins, Zach and Cody. Like from Sweet life on deck, that used to play on Disney channel.

Haha, jokes! Their names are actually Seth and Sam Jackson. Imagine they were actually named after those two blonde twins from Sweet life on deck! That would be hilarious. I would make fun of them all the time. Anyway, Seth and Sam are identical but polar opposites.

Sam's dating my best friend Amelia. And Seth's still single. His the dark brooding one of the two whereas Sam's more social and outgoing. Amelia lives with Sam in the gang house. Also known as their 'base'. Creative I know.

She moved in two years ago when Sam found out her mom was abusing her. Funny thing was, she didn't tell a soul not until Sam saw her mom smack her after he brought her home one night. She didn't even say anything to me. I found out through Sam.

So the three of us-Seth, Sam and I met up and came up with a plan to get her out of that house. It worked, her mom ended up in prison for life so it was a win win.

I pull up in the drive way of the gang house and hop out. Knowing Lia is awake. She's an early bird since her mom made her make breakfast for years. She said after awhile it became a habit. She never over sleeps. Not unless Sam and her decide to do something...

I walk into the house like I own it. I basically do my cousin's actually the leader of this gang, The Bloodwars Gang. Literally all the gangs around here have the word blood in it. It's supposed to symbolize that we're from the same area and have a treaty or some shit like that.

I walk in to kitchen obviously smelling the pancakes. But I don't just find Lia, I find Sam and Lia. Making out on the kitchen counter. I turn to the stove and find burning pancakes.

Note to self don't eat off of that kitchen counter ever again. I cringe at the sight of my friends making out. I needed to stop this so I cleared my throat.

Their heads immediately turn to me. Lia sees me and turns bright red and hides her head in Sam's  bare chest. Sam chuckles at her then smirks at me.

"Lia your pancakes are burning." I say in a bored tone checking my nails.

Her eyes widen and she immediately rushes off to the stone only to be met with a burnt pancake. She huffs and throws the pancake away. While putting more batter in the pan and focusing on cooking.

"What you doing here Thea?" Sam says throwing his arm over my shoulders.

I glare at it and he gets the idea and removes it. I might of accidentally-on purpose dislocated his shoulder the one time he did that.

Just then walks in a also bare chest Seth. He runs a hand over his face and sighs. He walks over to me and pulls me into a hug.

"She's saying goodbye you idiots." he mutters in my hair.

He wraps his arms around me and I wrap mine around him. Seth's been the closest thing to a guy best friend I've had in years. He understands me and it makes it less awkward when we're around the two love birds who were previously making out.

Cough, cough, Sam and Lia.

The room goes quiet. It's like we're all in denial, like I'm not moving anywhere.

We gather around the table and eat the pancakes in silence. Enjoying the last moments we have with each other in silence.

Before I leave they all give me a hug telling me how much they'll miss me. Seth didn't say anything but I know why. Sam said he'd miss annoying me and Lia said that she'd miss having another girl around.

Lia made me promise that we'd all stay in contact. I obviously agreed. I'll miss them.

Seth walked me out of the house and give me a hug before I got into the car. We pull away and his expression changed from in neutral expression to a sad broken one.

I pull him into another hug.

"I wish you didn't have to go Thea." he sighs.

"I know, I'll be back after a year. I'm just going to do senior year there. Then I'm going to move back."



I pull up at home and walk inside only to find everyone trying to make sure everything is packed.

Theo sees me and runs to me throwing his arms around me. I chuckle and bend down to give my eight year old brother a hug.

He spent the night at my grans so that we'd get everything down without having to worry about him getting into trouble.


I lean my head against the window of the airplane sighing as it takes off. Theo plays with his toy airplane making whoosh sound with his mouth. Making me smile slightly. And Jax is currently flirting with the air hostess.

I roll my eyes. You see my brother is what one would call a player or the one I prefer is a fuckboy. The air hostess blushes at something he says, he smirks then let's out a soft chuckle.

"Sir that's not appropriate for the child next to you," she whispers.

"Oh he doesn't understand what I said. Probably doesn't even know what I said to busy playing with his toys." Jax relpies winking at her.

Which only makes her more awkward. I laugh at her awkwardness. She mutters a sorry and walks down the aisle.

The three of us sitting next to each other on a ten hour plane, probably not the best idea.

Jax probably feels just as shitty as I do about moving. So he probably tried to distract himself by flirting with the air hostess. After all he was the second in command of his gang. The leader was his best friend.

Thoe knows nothing about this stuff. We keep him out of our fucked up lives. It's our way of protecting him. Until he decides his too old for us to look out for him.

I sigh and close my eyes. Sleep taking over.

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