Chapter Eighteen

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Abby's P.O.V

The days have begun to pass my slowly. Everyday I get up, go to work, come back, and then sleep. I wouldn't talk much unless first spoken to and I haven't gone out to do anything since Scott and I broke up. Everyone has tried to talk me into moving on and doing something with my life but I just can't seem to. It's just strange to come home everyday and to not have Scott waiting for me.

"Get up."

I look up from the spot I'm laying in to see Becca and Anna standing above me. I've been lounging around, in a t-shirt and a pair of Monsters Inc. boxers that he left behind, all day. Right now I'm crying because of how sad The Notebook is. I know I've seen the movie one million times before without crying but it seems at though I just can't crying for some reason today.

"I miss Scott."

"We get it Abby," Anna says turning off the TV and moving to sit next to me. "But you've been wearing that same pair of his boxers for like three days now. Sitting around in his boxers for the rest of your life isn't going to change anything."

"You don't know that," I mumble sadly as I try to grab the control off of the floor so I can finish watching the movie. Becca quickly kicks the control out of my reach and I groan loudly. "Just leave me alone guys, I'm trying to mourn."

"Stop mourning," Becca pulls up a chair and sits in front of me. "You know what mourning does? It wastes time. If your life were a book I'm sure the readers would be pretty pissed about you weeping and bitching every chapter like none of this is your fault."

"I wish people would stop comparing me to book characters," I say shaking my head at them. "I'm not."

"How would you know?" Becca chirps with a smirk on her face. "Maybe we are just a figment of some beautiful, talented, and intelligent author's imagination."

"Enough with the conspiracy theories Becca," Anna laughs and Becca shrugs. "And Abby c'mon. Get up and go something. Unless you haven't figured it out yet, Scott isn't going to come crawling back to you like he usually does. You're the one who has to do something."

I silently stand up and walk into the kitchen. I don't need them to preach to me abouts stuff that I already know. I get it. I'm the one who fucked up and I'm the one that has to fix it. The only problem is that I have no idea what to do. I can't just pop up at his door step with his favorite candy and a crappy apology. That's the kind of stuff you do when you ask someone to Homecoming at the last second.

"I know how you could fix this," Becca says as she skips into the kitchen after me. Anna walks in a moment after her. "Just be honest with him, what were you actually doing that night?"

"Well I really did forget it was our anniversary," I say groaning. "And a few girls from work wanted to go hang out, so we did. We got a little carried away and weren't paying attention to the time which was completely my fault. I don't remember a ton of what we did."

"That's not too bad," Becca says optimistically. "It was an honest mistake."

"I don't know about that," Anna says shaking her head. "If Falon ever forgot our anniversary he'd have cold balls for months."

"Ew," Becca says scrunching up her face at the visuals. "But let's be real here Anna, Scott is completely whipped for Abby. He's probably waiting for her to come back to him."

"Really?" I ask perking up a little bit.

"Yeah, I bet he's miserable without you."


Scott's P.O.V

"Very impressive approach Rogers."

I nod happily as my boss, Angela, critiques my work. I may not be working my dream job right now but I'm doing something I'm apparently good at. It's been a few weeks since Abby and I broke up and I've had a complete 180 degree turn.

I asked my Dad about getting me a job after I got settled into my new apartment. He was obviously rather surprised about my and Abby's break up and to say he was disappointed is an understatement. But either way, things haven't been as terrible as I thought they would be. In fact, being single again has brought a new light to my life.

I'm definitely starting to understand what people meant when they told me that I needed to start thinking about a life that didn't involve Abby. I think I always just got really scared when I would think about a possible future without Abby, but I'm starting to believe that this was really the best thing for both of us. Even if it does hurt for a little bit, it's already making me see life in a new light.

The job my Dad got me is to be an associate on his marketing team. I help them come up with a lot of the ideas that they have to enhance education within the college and whatnot. They've liked so many of my ideas that my Dad suggested I work as an associate for an actual company that produces goods. But I've only really been working with this for a couple of weeks so I don't want to get too ahead of myself.

"Great work today guys," Angela says as she takes her seat next to me. "You can all get home now though, I know it's been a long day for us all."

Everyone mumbles their agreement and begin to shuffle out of the room. I slowly stand up and grab my stuff. I throw all of my stuff into the small backpack that I bought from Sears to put my work stuff in. It looks pretty childish compared to all the briefcases that everyone else brings in, but it hasn't posed as a problem yet. I set my bag on the chair and notice that my shoe is untied. As I lean down to tie it I hear a voice behind me.

"You're pretty good at this," I finish tying my shoe and stand up to see Angela standing behind me with a smile on her face.

Angela is one of those people who any guy would probably dream to have on his arm. She's probably in her early to mid twenties and has long blonde hair. I can only assume that she was a cheerleader in high school. My eyes travel up the charitable amount of leg that she has exposed before landing on her face.

"Did you expect I wouldn't be?" I ask before glancing around the room and realizing that it's empty. Everyone else has left already.

"I don't know," she shrugs lightly with a small smile on her face. "You're slightly less rich boy than I thought you would be."

"Rich boy?" I ask tilting my head at her. "I didn't know that I was identified as the rich boy here. I take it you're the rich girl?"

"Guilty," she holds her hands out in front of her. "This job definitely pays a decent amount of money. I like your jacket by the way."

"Oh thanks my girl-" I stop myself before I say girlfriend when I remember that Abby and I aren't together anymore. "A friend. A friend bought it for me."

"Well your friend has great taste," Angela says sliding her hand down the side of my shoulder to feel my jacket. I raise an eyebrow at her as she smiles up at me. "You'll have to take me shopping with you sometime."

"Sure," I shrug. I'm glad that Angela isn't the stereotypical bitch of a boss that most bosses are. This job might be really good for me. "I'm free whenever."

"Good," she says pulling her hand away while still smiling at me. "I think we're going to work really well with each other Scott."


Well hello there friends. It looks like there's a new character in town, I wonder where she's going to end up. On a different note I'm wearing really tight pants and it's like seventy degrees outside. I only have one more week until spring break with means one more week until my 16th birthday and my trip to Disney. From what I can tell, I probably won't be able to update during spring break because the schedule will be so messy. But I will try to update at least once or twice before I leave for vacation. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! Love you all!! And go check out Mimimeap2003 , her work is pretty legit.

What do you guys think of Angela?

What should Abby do to try and win Scott back?

Will Abby's attempts to get Scott back work out?

Is the sky red?

Is the grass blue?

Instagram: lilchocolatedonut

Snapchat: momo36235

The Girl Who Lives and The Boy Who Gives.Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora