Chapter Twenty Two

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Abby's P.O.V.

"Why won't you just tell me where he lives at?"I ask Becca for the hundredth time as we sit on the couch and watch TV. I've been bothering her for the past hour about what I should do about Scott but she won't even tell me where he lives at. 

"I don't think he'd appreciate it if I gave him away," Becca shrugs as she shoves some popcorn into her mouth and continues to watch the history channel. I wanted to change the channel but there was some documentary on that was apparently of interest to her. I'll never be able to understand how people watch documentaries without falling asleep. "He's still my friend too."

"But it's for the greater good," I groan and sit up so that I'm looking right at her. "You're the one who suggested that I do something about this, how am I supposed to do anything about this if the only times I see him are when I coincidentally run into him by accident?"

"I don't know what to tell you," Becca says blankly as she continues to stare at the TV. "I don't know how you're going to go about doing whatever it is you're going to do, but it's not my problem."

"Um okay," I say narrowing my eyes at her bluntness. I wonder why she's in a mood all of a sudden. "Then what is your problem?"

"What're you talking about?" She finally turns to look at me with an annoyed look on her face.

"You're in a bitchy mood right now," I say and she raises and eyebrow at me. "What's got you all angry?"

"I'm just tired of hearing you complain about Scott," she says bitterly. "He broke up with you, either do something or get over it."

"I'm trying to do something," I say starting to become frustrated with her attitude. "But how do you expect me to do something if I can't even figure out a way to see him. You just need to-"

Suddenly Becca's phone starts ringing and our conversation is cut short. She picks up her phone that was sitting on the coffee table and I look over her shoulder to try and see what the called ID is. 

Call from Asshole Numero Uno.

I all but tackle Becca as soon as I see the caller ID that she's always had for Scott. She numbered Scott, Daniel, and Falon on a rating of who she thought was the biggest asshole and put that as her contact in her phone. Falon is asshole number two and Daniel of course ended up being number three. 

I snatch Becca's phone from her hand and quickly stand up, running out of the room. Scott hasn't answered any of my calls since he left and got his own apartment so I'm assuming he blocked my number or something. I know he said that he would talk to me after I asked yesterday, but I don't know how we're supposed to talk if I can't even contact him. 

I hear Becca yelling at me as I run into the bathroom and lock the door. I know she's going to be pissed when I come out but I'm not thinking about that while I hide away from her. Right now I'm trying to think about my future with Scott and right now it's not looking so good, especially since he doesn't even seem like he wants to be in the same room as me anymore. I look down at Becca's phone and quickly answer the phone, I slowly hold it up to my ear. I don't say anything, waiting instead for Scott to talk. 

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