Chapter Twenty

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A/N: I know you guys have been missing this character a lot and I was trying to figure out what to do with the story and instantly thought of an idea. So without further ado...

Parker's P.O.V.

I draw another hash mark on the wall next to my bed before sighing. I've been stuck in this prison cell for months now and for what? Because I messed around with a girl that I dated for a little while? Or because I was trying to give Rogers what he deserved after he killed my best friends?

I shake my head as I stand up and pace back and forth in my prison cell. I can't believe I'm stuck in here for three years. It was originally supposed to be 10-15, as it is for most attempted murder cases, but my time was lessened what I plead insanity. They did a lot of tests over the months after I plead insanity and by the time they finished they confirmed that there was something wrong with my during the time that I played around with Rogers and Abby a little bit. I don't see what exactly they could have found to be wrong with me though. There's absolutely nothing wrong with me.

It'd just be better if people like Rogers didn't exist.

My trial ended a little while ago and the verdict still came out that I was guilty. But because they agreed, after I plead insanity, I got time taken off of what the original sentencing would have been. Getting time off wasn't enough though. I don't deserve to be locked in this cell for three years, wasting time that could be used on anything else.

My neck snaps toward my cell door when I hear the hinges creak as it slides open. One of the prison guards, the new scrawny one, steps into my cell and motions for me to step out.

"It's visiting time," he says backing up a few steps. "And you've got a visitor."

I give him a confused look, wondering who could possibly be here to visit me. Nonetheless, I follow the scrawny prison guard out of the cell and down the hall. No one's come to visit me since my sentencing. My parents haven't talked to me, most of my family has shunned me after finding out what I did. Figures that they wouldn't understand, the world would be better if people like them didn't exist too.

I walk into the visiting room to see some of the prisoners sitting at tables and talking to friends and family members. I search the room for a familiar face, having absolutely no idea who could possibly come visit me at this point.

I freeze when my eyes land on her.

I glance around before slowly making my way over to where she's sitting. When I get to her I stand next to the chair and eye her before pulling out a chair to sit down. We're both silent for a long moment before I take the initiative to talk.

"What're you doing here Becca?" I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest. She smiles softly at me before answering.

"I'm gonna get you out of here," she says softly as she leans forward in her chair. I frown at her, wondering what exactly she has up her sleeve this time.

"Becs the plan is for you to stay as far away from me as possible until I get out of here," I say leaning forward and placing my hands flat on the table. "It's not going to look good with you just showing up out of the blue like this."

"Why not?"

"Because," I say in a hushed voice. "The plan last time was that if anything went South then you would act like you were against me the whole time so that only one of us would have to go down. We don't even know who called the police on us yet, you can't just come and see me whenever you want to."

"I'm working on figuring out who called the police," she says lowering her voice. "But will me visiting you really hurt anyone? I miss you-"

"It doesn't matter," I say harshly before glancing around the room. "People are always watching."

"They won't figure out what's going on," she reaches over and places her hand over mine. "We can figure this out, we'll get out of this soon."

"Sure," I snort as I look up to meet her eyes. "How're things looking on the outside?"

"Well Abby's miserable," she shrugs and I raise an eyebrow. "Her and Scott broke up. Scott is courting some new chick at his job I think."

"Serves her right," I laugh at the thought of Abby crying over Rogers. She deserves to have her heart broken, especially since she broke mine first. "Where is Rogers at right now?"

"He got himself an apartment," she shrugs leaning her head against her hand. "Last I heard, he's doing pretty well with himself. Still pretty torn up about the whole him and Abby break up."

"It's a good thing they broke up," I say nodding my head. "It'll make this thing a whole lot easier for me."

"How long are you going to try to get revenge?" She asks tilting her head at me.

"Until he can't take it anymore," I say gritting my teeth as I lean back in my chair again. My leg is hopping at an quick rate underneath the table. "Until the torture becomes too much to bear. Until he feels trapped, just like Ricky and Marco felt when they were trapped in their car. I want him to go absolutely insane before I get the justice that Ricky and Marco deserve."

"Visiting time is over!" We glance over at the prison guard as he yells and tells people to move along. I stand up and move around the table to hug Becca, not sure when I'm going to see her next. I kiss her forehead before leaning down next to her ear.

"Don't come back here until I tell you to," I whisper in her ear. I hear the scrawny guard yelling at me about how we aren't allowed to touch but I pay no attention to him as I talk to Becca.

"How will you tell me?" She whispers back, sounding rather confused.

"I'll figure that out myself," I whisper as I stroke the back of her hair. "I'm just trying to keep us safe. I don't want you to end up in here too."

"But what if-"

Before she can finish what she has to say, I'm being yanked away from her by someone. I turn around and groan when I see the scrawny prison guard staring at me and going on and on about how we aren't allowed to touch the visitors. I see someone ushering Becca out in my peripheral vision and I sigh deeply. I rub my face out of frustration, angry the the scrawny guard interrupted me. He'll pay for what he's done. Scott will pay for what he's done.

You'll all pay.


Guess who just got back from Florida? Me, and I didn't plan on writing this chapter. In fact, I didn't plan on updating for the rest of my Spring Break. But I was walking around the kitchen and just all of a sudden had a great idea about what to do with this chapter.

I decided to bring back a character that I know you all love so passionately.

Okay, maybe he isn't a fan favorite, but I've got a clear vision of where I want this story to go now. Bringing Parker into things always makes them more interesting, especially since I got to write in his point of view. That was definitely a weird change.

Were you guys expecting Becca to be the person she is?

On a rate of 1-10, how crazy do you all think Parker is?

What do you foresee happening with these two in the future?

Do you still harbor the same amount of hatred for Parker that most of you did before?

Will Parker ever pee on Becca?

Instagram: lilchocolatedonut

Snapchat: momo36235

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