Final Bonus Chapter

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Scott's P.O.V.


I groan and fall back on the couch as three children come tumbling into the room. One holding a white dress with a giant red stain on the front, one with a pitcher of cool aid, and another wearing a lopsided grin on his face.

I sit up and look at my three kids, wishing that Abby were here to handle this instead of me. I narrow my eyes at the three of them. Nathaniel is older than Colton and Lauren, who are identical twins, by about two years. Lauren looks like she's on the verge of tears as she stares down at her now ruined dress. I look at Colton who doesn't seem guilty in the slightest as he smirks down at the dress.

"Come here sweetheart," I open my arms and my little girl wraps her arms around my neck as I pull her on to my lap. I glare at the boy over her shoulder, but all he does is smirk back at me. Yup, he's definitely the spitting image of me as a child. I wipe at Lauren's tear stained cheeks and smile at her. "Don't worry about it, I'll buy you a brand new dress that's even better than that one. And if you want to you can go poor some cool aid on one of your brother's favorite shirts."

"Wait what?" Colton frowns at that when he hears me. "She can't do that."

"And," I continue when Lauren doesn't stop crying. She looks up at me, obviously messed up over the fact that Colton ruined her favorite dress. "He won't be seeing any of his game systems for the next week. Does that make you feel better?"

"Can I have some ice cream too?" Lauren sniffles and wipes at her cheek with her palm.

"Of course," I pick her up off of my lap and set her on to the floor. "Run into the kitchen and I'll get you some, okay?"

"Okay," she smiles happily before skipping off into the kitchen.

"Colton," I stand up and rub at my face before looking down at my son. "How many times have I told you not to mess with your sister's things?"

"I didn't mean to Dad," he whines. "It just slipped. You can't just take my Xbox from me, and she can't pour anything on my shirts!"

"I don't remember you becoming the parent," I kneel down in front of him as he crosses his arms over his chest. "Maybe now you'll learn not to mess with other people's stuff."

"That's not fair!" His lip starts to tremble a little bit and I give him a bored look. He's about to use his fake crying act on me. It might always work with Abby, but I'm not as soft as she is with him. "I won't do it again."

"I know you aren't going to," I pet his head. "But that doesn't mean that you aren't still getting your punishment. You still won't be seeing your Xbox for a week."

"But Dad," he whines as I stand up. "I'll tell mommy on you. She won't let you take my stuff from me."

"Colton your mommy bought Lauren that dress," I laugh at his attempt to manipulate me. "You're lucky that I'm the one who found out. You'd be in a lot more trouble if it were her that found out."

I, of course, know that's a lie. I've found that between Abby and I, she has a much softer spot for the kids than I do. That's not to say that she cares about them more than I do, but it's easier for them to get away with something when Abby is around. All they have to do is give her their puppy dog eyes and she's a goner. It's actually quite surprising that I've ended up becoming the strict parent when everyone else always thought that it would be the other way around.

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