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I had spent the entire forty-five minute lunch period up in my dorm room, all alone, in complete silence. If you could have seen me, you would have said what a poor, sad, pathetic, girl. I bet she doesn't have any friends. When in fact I do, lots of them! Just not with me right now.

Thankfully I had history next; this was a free ticket away from all of the guys and their questions. I walked by myself across the campus, into the classroom, by myself, and sat down, by myself. Okay maybe I was missing them a little bit. Two seconds later Liam was occupying the empty seat next to me.

"Hey." I said throwing him a small smile

"Hey. Why weren't you at lunch?"

"I ate in my room." I replied dejectedly.


"I didn't want to sit with Will."

"Oh. So that's why you didn't turn around when Oliver called for you."


"Don't worry, everything will work out. I know it."

"Thanks." I said turning to listen to Mr. Horsh.

Now that I thought about it I could clearly see Liam as a gay guy. At least metro sexual. How had I never noticed this before? He was too nice and comforting to be any normal guy.

I had survived my History class, all thanks to Liam, who explained practically everything to me. This boy was smart too. I had completely forgotten about the other boys, to wrapped up in the lesson and what Liam was saying. So wrapped up that I almost peed my pants when the bell rang.

"Good God!" I said jumping up from my seat.

"Little tense?" Liam asked jokingly.

"Just startled me."

"Well you better get to your next class don't want to be late." He said gathering his books and heading for the door, me behind him.

"Bye!" I called as we parted going in different directions, him to literature, me to chemistry.

I walked into the chemistry room and my mood instantly fell. I had forgotten that every last one of the guys shared this class with me, and to top it all of Will was my lab partner. Someone up there hates me! Maybe it was that goldfish I had when I was seven, two weeks, then down the drain!

I silently walked over and put my books on the table that I shared with Will. He was already there, and seemed to tense up when I approached. I placed my books in between us forming a barrier. I noticed John look at his twin and give him a look, who in turn gave the same look to Cal, who gave it to Dave, then Ian, and lastly Oliver. What the hell?

They were soooooo planning something! Oh well it didn't matter, they couldn't do anything, after this class they had training and I was free to do what I wanted. I did my best to ignore Will and focus on writing down everything that came out of Mr. Gale's mouth. Until he got really, really, really, boring, then I just doodled on the side of my paper.

The bell rang and I jumped up out of my chair and ran for the door, I was the first one out of the room, I made sure of that! Not giving anyone a chance to talk to me or ask questions I rushed back to my dorm and closed the door. I would only be alone for an hour. What about when they came back? I quickly made up my mind and changed into a pair of black track pants and a baby blue tee with my gray jacket.

I slipped out the door and headed outside for some fresh air, hopefully to clear my mind. I could see the obstacle course off in the distance with several figures climbing and crawling on top of and over it. Not gonna go that way! I turned on my heel and headed in the opposite direction towards the way I had first come when I had arrived here.

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