02-Last Day of Summer

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Aker's P.O.V

I laid across the roof of Stiles' and I's jeep, my legs dangling off in front of the glass window.
Both of my arms folded underneath my head, acting as a pillow. I gazed up at the dark gloomy clouds, and the stars that adorned the night sky. The town lights of Beacon Hill lighting up the sky. Along with its full moon.

I sighed as I heard Stiles and Scott talking about our Senior year. They're both stressing out about Colleges and apartments they could go to while I on the other hand don't have to since I have already done that. Stiles has a plan where they all go off to college together, no one gets left behind. Lydia would go to Stanford, Kira to USF (University of San Francisco) and Malia's going to "figure something out." Stiles is very attached to his plan saying its perfect, "a vision, a beautiful vision." He said.

I'm going to SFUA. San Francisco University of Art. Its about a few minutes away from every body's colleges all together. And i'm going to study my music and songwriting there. On the outside I may seem like i'm excited and ready to leave this place. But really, I am pretty sure i'm going to be bawling my eyes out not wanting to leave my family. But I guess thats apart of growing up, right? Living by yourself, and making new friends, new lovers...

I slowly sat up as I felt someone tap on the soles of my converse. I rested my elbows on my knees and looked at them expectantly.

"Yeah?" I said pushing my black framed glasses up a bit, as they slightly slid down the bridge of my nose from me getting up.

Scott looked at Stiles and chuckled, while Stiles rolled his eyes at me and shook his head.

"You didn't hear me. Of course you didn't hear me." Stiles mumbled as he tried to distract himself with circling colleges on the map, furiously.

I too rolled my eyes and adjusted myself.

"No duh, I didn't hear you, Stiles. It's me you're talking about, now what did you say?" I sassed.

Stiles dropped his sharpie on the hood of our jeep and sighed.

"I said, Should we let him go? Or leave him here to get eaten by wolfs." Stiles smiled sarcastically, motioning to the beta behind us.

"Yes! You should let me go!" A tiny voice said.

I looked over and saw Liam helplessly wrapped around with chains, over and over again against a wide trunk of an old tree. I chuckled, almost forgetting he was even there.

 I chuckled, almost forgetting he was even there

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"Yeah, I'm pretty sure Liam is fine. We have Senior Scribe tonight anyways, right?" I said hopping off the blue jeep and walking towards Liam who looked at me like a puppy getting a treat.

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