season 3a, episode unknown

175 3 0

Aker's P.O.V

I took a deep breath as my trembling hands pushed up the sleeves of my long sleeved shirt. I looked at my brother who was toying with Dad's bent metal sheriffs badge, flipping it around a couple of times. I stayed silent, watching my brother stare at the bent piece of metal that means so much to us in his hands.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Stiles? I-I mean, I could still do it-" I started to say, facing Stiles with my hands on his shoulders.

"-No, man. I gotta do this, plus I need to you pull me back up, right?" Stiles halfheartedly smiled up at me, as he was leaning on metal examination tables.

Deaton came up behind us and looked at each of the sacrifices, Scott had his father's watch and with Deaton himself being his tether, Allison had a handcrafted silver bullet while Issac was hers, and finally, Stiles has our fathers badge with his twin brother as his tether-me.

"Okay, lets start." Deaton said.

There was an eery silence that deafened us, all of us looked at each other with uncertainty-unsure on how this is all going to turn out. I patted Stiles' shoulder and gave him a reassuring smile. All three of them slowly stepped into the iced filled tub and shivered at the sudden drop in temperature. Once they all sat down, Issac, Deaton and I placed our hands on their shoulders.

"On the count of three, we push them down-and no matter what happens we don't stop, we keep on pushing down even if they resist. Okay?" Deaton said, looking at Issac and I, making sure we understand the circumstances.

Issac and I slowly nodded, Issac looked calm-but for me on the other hand, I'm freaking the hell out. I'm practically about to drown my twin brother.

"1...2......3" Deaton said, forcibly pushing Scott down into the cold surface. I did the same with Stiles as Issac did Allison.

Their eyes were closed and they were struggling, trying to come up. Stiles was shaking, flailing around trying to get some air, and he almost resurfaced but Deaton's voiced snapped me back to reality, causing me to push him back down. Stiles hand that was clutching on to our dad's badge was suddenly gripped onto my forearm, I looked down at Stiles' body in the water-I couldn't take it. I was killing him, what if it wasn't working? What if Stiles needed some more air? And what if he's trying to-

"-Aker...AKER-listen to me you can't stop you got to keep pushing!" Deaton yelled over the splashing of the water and it hitting the floor.

I looked at Deaton and rapidly nodded my head and pushed Stiles down with greater force, his back touched the bottom of the steel tub and then in sync all three of them stopped struggling and stayed still with peaceful looks on their faces.

I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding and stumbled back, only for Stiles arm to shoot out and grip onto my shirt pulling my head down into the freezing water. I struggled going up, my hands clawing at Stiles' arms. The ice cold water hitting my face like a brick. He was forcing my head into the water, going deeper and deeper until my head touched the floor of the tub. I was close to loosing all the oxygen that I managed to breath in before Stiles shoved my head into the water. My eyes burned as they were open-my mouth opened up and filled with the ice cold water and all of a sudden it turned pitch black, but just as it turned black I immediately saw a bright light and it felt as if it was shot right into my face.

I felt myself rise up into the surface, gasping for air as the water splashed and spilled out of the tub. I took big shakey breaths as I was met with a big white storage unit-like-place. I looked around confused as to how I got here and how it exactly worked for me.

"Aker?" I heard a familiar voice say behind me.

I whipped around as I shakily fell out of the tub. When I turned around I saw a soaking wet Stiles along with Scott and Allison. I looked at them with wide eyes, my heart was practically popping out of my chest. I sat on the wet floor and held on to the side of the tub for dear life. Gaping at all three of them.

"How the hell did I get here?" I exclaimed, beyond confused.

They all shrugged and looked at each other, looking for an explanation. Stiles helped me up and guided me to all of them, they turned back around and headed for this big looking tree stump at the end of the gigantic room.

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