Chapter 19

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What, another update?? I'm on a role, guys.

Happy Reading :)

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The park was alive with activity. There were children running around, climbing the play structure. I walked with Liam along the path around playground.

Liam had his hand in his pockets and a nostalgic smile on his face as he looked out at the children.

"You've been here before." He said, still looking out at the playground.

I looked at him, waiting for him to continue. I had gotten a feeling that maybe I'd been at this park before, but no memories came as proof.

"We'd come together with mom and dad." He went on. "You used to love the swings, it was your favorite thing to do."

My eyes landed on the small children playing on the swings. Their laughter rang through the air as the pushed each other, back and forth. I watched with slight worry as they swung higher and higher, laughing with each other before eventually jumping off.

How fearless they all were, daring each other to test their limits. It was hard to imagine a time where I was once full of life and carelessness. They all tried to tell me who I used to be, and who I was supposed to be.

I felt like a stranger with my own family. There was so much pressure on me to try and act right and talk right. Nothing I did worked and it was never enough.

The little girl I once was, was just a story. They all wanted her back and I didn't know how to do that. I didn't even know if I could. It was terrifying; what if they realized that I wasn't enough? What would happen to me?

"I changed my mind." I said suddenly. "I want to go back home."

Liam looked at me in confusion. "Bella, are you okay?"

I stepped back onto the path with a small nod. "Can we go, please?"

Liam hesitated, looking disappointed, but nodded. "Yeah. Come on."

The walk back to the house was a short one. When we entered, both Carol and our parents were missing. I assumed that maybe they were in the backyard, but I didn't stop to investigate. I went straight up the stairs to my room.

I was sitting at the desk in my bedroom, finishing up my math homework when Miranda came into my room. She knocked softly on the open door and I turned around to face her.

She leaned against the door frame and crossed her arms. "What are you up to?"

"I'm just finishing up my homework." I told her.

She sighed. "Sweetie, I'm so sorry about your grandmother. She means well."

"It's alright." I said honestly. "I understand."

She looked like she wanted to say more, but something distracted her.

"Is everything okay?" I asked her.

"I think so." She said vaguely. "Have you talked to Angela yet?"

I lowered my gaze and shook my head. "Not yet." It was something I had been meaning to do, but I hadn't gotten around to doing.

She sighed, walking over to me. "Bella, you can't avoid her forever. It's been days since you've seen her."

"I know," I replied. "I will talk to her."

"She's downstairs." Miranda said to me. "Maybe you two should talk now, but only if you're ready."

I straightened up and nodded. "Thank you."

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