Chapter 32

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After quickly changing into my gym outfit, I placed my uniform inside of the small locker along with my backpack. It was the last period of the day, and then I would be finished for the week.

The Friday afternoon sun was heavily covered by a thick layer of clouds. Their dark grey color and the low rumble of thunder in the distance promised rain. We wouldn't very likely be having class outside today.

I walked into the gymnasium and, as suspected, my teacher was having the volleyball nets set up. We had played volleyball one other time since I'd been here. It had been the first time I'd ever attempted the sport, but I did enjoy it. It was a bit difficult to get used to at first, but I managed.

We were split into two teams and sent to opposite sides of the court. We played the game for the next forty minutes before the teacher had us stop for the day. A few of the other students moved to take the nets down and put all of the balls away. I went along with the rest of the girls as they went off towards the locker room.

A hushed whisper sounded from beside me, but I tried to ignore it. It was becoming less and less difficult to overcome my instincts. The whisper became louder as we entered the locker room and it echoed around us. A normal person probably wouldn't have heard anything that they were saying, but my trained ears easily picked up my name as they spoke.

I didn't fight it anymore and I allowed myself to listen.

"You think they're together?" One girl asked, sounding surprised.

"Pretty sure. You should've seen them outside on Tuesday." Another girl answered. "Seb was all over her."

I opened my locker, bringing my belongings into view. My clothes laid in a neat pile on the base of the locker while my back pack hung from a hook on the back wall of it.

"He hasn't been with anyone in over a year." The first girl commented. "I wonder what changed his mind."

Her friend paused before answering. "Maybe he likes them foreign and weird."

The first voice snorted. "Maybe he thinks she's 'exotic.'"

They laughed, forgetting to keep their voices quiet. I turned then and looked at them. They were still dressed in their gym uniforms, leaning against the lockers as they spoke.

One of them looked up at me and immediately stopped laughing when she noticed me watching. They both straightened up and avoided my gaze. I faced my locker again, choosing not to comment. I quickly changed into my regular uniform and left the locker room.

I really didn't understand everyone's interest in my friendship with Sebastian. Normally we only spent time together in the music room or outside of school. As we began speaking more between classes, I noticed more and more people watching our exchanges. It didn't make sense to me, but very few things did. I tried not to question it.

Out in the hallway I breathed in deeply, grateful for the end of the day. I put away my text books so that I wouldn't need to carry them home and continued down the hallway. Outside, the sky was clear save for a few remaining clouds, but there was a slight chill in the air.

I watched the stream of students coming out of the school gates. Angela wouldn't be having practice today. The girls had done a performance earlier this week and Angela thought it would be nice to give them a break. I waited by for her blonde hair to come into view, but was instead greeted by a smiling, brown-haired Sebastian.

I watched him curiously as he approached me. "Hello."

He stopped in front of me. "What are your plans for today?"

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