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She was okay. The doctors said the surgery went perfectly, they were able to stop the bleeding in time, and mom was a fighter- that part we already knew. It was a miracle, they said.  A few more minutes, just a little more blood and things may have been very different. I was grateful, of course. My mother was a live- even better, she would make a full recovery.

I couldn't shake it, though. The guilt. The fear that should have died with Cecelia. What I was still afraid of, I had no idea. The doctor walked away from us, having just shared the good news. I still felt numb, though. It wasn't real, not until I saw her at least. One person could go in at a time, and I knew my father was dying to see her with her eyes open.

I walked over to sit down and wait for my turn. Each step felt like an eternity. I wanted to see her now. I wanted to run to her hospital room and wrap her in a hug. Her hugs were the warmest I'd ever felt, the most comfortable. But dad was first; he deserved to see her first.

"Bella," His voice called out to me from across the room. "Do you want to go see her?"

I blinked, looking around the room. They all watched me in confusion. As if they were expecting me to go first. I was the reason she was here in the first place. I wouldn't have been surprised if she didn't want to see me at all. But, no, she wasn't like that. She wouldn't blame me for this. I would continue to blame myself though.

"You can go first, dad." It didn't hit me then how easily the nickname passed over my tongue. Before today, he had been Victor.

"Sweetheart, I think she'll want to see you first." He smiled, and for the first time in thirty-six hours, it was real.

I couldn't bring myself to stand. I glanced down, feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on me. Within a moment, I felt my father step in front of me. He kneeled down in front of me, placing his hands over my own.

"You're blaming yourself." He stated. No question was apparent in his tone; he new. "You shouldn't though, Bella. It isn't your fault that this happened."

I bit down hard on my bottom lip, feeling the tears creep at the back of my eyes. "I should have been there sooner. If I-"

"If you hadn't gotten there when you did," He interrupted, "I'm not sure your mother or I would be here today. You protected us, but you shouldn't have had to. It's my job to protect you, Bell, not the other way around."

His eyes were soft and they glistened in the bright lights. The aging lines that shown on his face were faint now, as if a weight had been lifted off of him. His relief made me feel lighter somehow, and I knew that he was right. I was meant to find my peace within him, and I did.

"Why don't we go see her together?" He stood, offering his hand to me.

"Can we?" I asked skeptically.

"We might have to sneak past a few nurses." He said with laughter dancing in his eyes. I smiled, after what seemed like a lifetime and stood with him.


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"What are you doing in here? You should be resting." I rushed to my mother and escorted her back toward the living room.

"I thought you might need help with dinner." She said, brushing her copper bangs from her eyes.

"I already told you I would handle everything." She sat back down on the couch and I stood back. "Your doctor said you need to take it easy for at least three weeks."

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