Chapter 41

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After picking his wallet and phone out of the sand, Sebastian led me back to his car and carefully wrapped me in a blanket that he had in his trunk. He placed me in the passenger seat before rounding back to the drivers side and slipping in. As soon as the car was on, he turned on the heat which I was grateful for.

I pressed my shaking hands to the vent as the air got warmer. The sun dipped lower in the sky and I knew school would be ending soon. I hoped Sebastian wouldn't get into trouble because of me. I owed him everything for what he did. Now that my mind was clearing up, I couldn't stop imagining what would've happened if...

"Bella?" I blinked, looking over to him. I didn't think I'd ever get used to the way he looked at me. Green was most definitely my favorite color.

"Yes?" I asked quietly. The only sound in the car was our breathing, and our hearts beating steadily.

He didn't say anything. He just reached out and caressed my face with his fingertips. His thumb brushed along my cheek while his eyes roamed my features. My breathing faltered at his touch and I felt my pulse quicken.

"Sebastian?" I whispered.

His eyes darkened with need and I could feel my own eyes widen in surprise at the raw emotion I saw. I gulped and the car suddenly wasn't cold anymore.

"You want to know what scares me, Bella?" His soft breath danced across my neck as he leaned forward. I couldn't move, couldn't speak, or breathe.

"You do." His lips brushed along my jaw and I sighed involuntarily. "When I'm around you, I don't know how to act. I feel things I've never felt before. You act so strong for the world, but you show me your vulnerabilities and I just want to keep you safe. You've taken over every part of me and the thought of losing you terrifies the hell out of me. You're isolated and you're used to protecting yourself, but you don't have to anymore."

He leaned his forehead against mine and ran his other hand up and down my arm. A shiver went up my spine and his touch made me dizzy.

"Let me keep you safe." He was everywhere. He was all that I could see, smell, feel- I felt intoxicated. His lips brushed mine and my thoughts were no longer solid. "Will you let me?"

My eyes fluttered shut and I willed him to move forward, to close the distance between us.


"Hm?" I opened my eyes and was once again locked in his gaze.

"Will you let me protect you, baby?" My heart flipped.

"Yes." How could I say no to anything when he asked me like that?

He relaxed and finally leaned forward to kiss me, soft and slow. It didn't last long, but it was enough to make my body light up with a fire so hot I was surprised we didn't burn each other. His kiss sent me to another planet, my subconscious floated off into space.

I didn't want it to end, but all too soon he was pulling away from me.

I felt his breath brush across my lips as my mind slowly cleared. The warmth of the car enveloped us. My eyes drooped and I felt the weight of the day bear down on me. I wanted to lay back and sleep, and just let go of my mind for a long, long time.

I knew I'd be returning home soon, though. And even if my parents had no idea what had happened today, I'd have to hold onto what I'd almost done. I sighed and leaned back into my seat, feeling grateful for Sebastian's presence.

When I opened my eyes, he was already watching me. He did that a lot, I'd began to notice. I'd find his eyes on me at random times, whether it was a longing stare, or just a quick glance. It didn't make me uncomfortable. It actually made me feel safe and cherished.

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