Chapter Seventeen: Smoothies And Ice-Cream

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The freezing chill blew right through Silvia's blankets and she bowed her head to one side, closing lashes weighed down with wet snowflakes to keep out the salty sting

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The freezing chill blew right through Silvia's blankets and she bowed her head to one side, closing lashes weighed down with wet snowflakes to keep out the salty sting. The dampness of the snow was making its way though her sleeping bag and she hugged her knees close. Her hair fell loose about her face, tousled, tangled.

If this wasn't enough to keep her awake, Lois' constant shivering was. It had gotten so intolerable that Silvia, when she thought everyone else was asleep, grabbed the majority of her own blankets and tossed them over Lois' trembling figure. It took a few minutes but finally the reporters shivering started to quiet down... only to be replaced by her own.

That night had been the worst she'd ever suffered through. Clark had woken up and insisted she take a few of his blankets, but when she refused, he shuffled closer to her to share them instead. He obviously knew that she'd never agree to taking them from him. Silvia had tried to argue this closeness but Clark had mastered the art of ignoring her.

Truth be told, this part of the night wasn't so bad... the blankets helped but nothing compared to Clark himself. Even with a small distance between them (only enough so that they weren't touching under the blankets), Clark was like a personal heater.

Waking up was awkward though, especially with Jimmy grinning down on them like the situation was a lot more complicated than it actually was. He stared at them both like they had been doing unspeakable things during the night, and this look continued the whole way back to Metropolis. It was so incredibly annoying that Silvia was barely bothered by the flight itself.

However, the thing that stuck out most about the end of the trip wasn't any of that... It was when Clark walked her to the bus stop talking about his hometown (he stood up as they waited so that her and an elderly woman could take the seats), and how he had passed her a few pieces of paper. They were folded up so she couldn't see what it was but when she got back and looked at them she realised that he had written the article for her.

He was the kindest person Silvia had ever met, a hero in his own right. In fact, to her, he was better than any powered up metahuman because he didn't need any special abilities to try and help people.

Silvia had always hidden the thought. She was becoming too attached to him, such opinions were only going to make it harder to push him away. It almost seemed too late now.

A few days had passed when she went to the Daily Planet. It was a large building crowded with employees at smooth wooden desks. She passed Jimmy who gave an energetic wave, and Lois who avoided looking at her altogether.

When she entered the office of Perry White the first thing she noticed were the posters hanging on each wall. They were shots of Elvis Presley in concert, some were even signed and so old he had to frame them to keep them intact.

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