Chapter Fifty-Eight: A World Without Hope

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The series of earthquakes was the result of Atlantean weapons fire under sea level; like someone tried to collapse the continents of the world into the ocean

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The series of earthquakes was the result of Atlantean weapons fire under sea level; like someone tried to collapse the continents of the world into the ocean. After having a chat with Cyborg, Silvia found out that the culprit was Aquaman's brother, the Ocean Master. A guy who doesn't like the surface world that much, and wants the throne of Atlantis even more. Worst of all, he has a giant army hellbent on killing everyone on land...

After scrambling the mess that was the sudden overcrowding of Supermen in Metropolis, Silvia stayed at the Hall of Justice to keep tabs on the situation. Justice League America was sent down to Atlantis to deal with Ocean Master, and Silvia decided not to say anything to them about the new Superman. They needed to focus on the job at hand, not another fake.

Also, she wasn't just going to let those pretenders loose either, she made sure to get some eyes on them to make sure they weren't killing people or anything. Especially the new guy. The main action was over, so it was mainly just cleanup to be done.

Silvia didn't look away from her screen. She noticed that the new guy stuck around for cleanup for the longest. Cyborg Superman left first, obviously, then Eradicator. The Titans were kind enough to let Conner in and show him the ropes.As soon as the new Superman disappeared from his disaster zone, Silvia pushed to her feet with a sigh. She was paranoid. She didn't want any of these losers to tarnish Clark's memory...she hated the thought of that happening.

"Excuse me." Clark's voice called from behind her.

With a huff, Silvia responded before she turned around. "Get out of here, you're not a Leaguer."

"I just...wanted to ask you something." The new guy said, extremely politely. He flashed a charming smile, and his tone was almost childlike. "I'll leave as soon as you give me an answer."

Silvia gritted her teeth. "Ask someone else."

"I don't want to ask anyone else." was his quick reply. "I want to ask you."

"I couldn't care less what you want." Silvia hissed, leaping up from her seat and beginning to walk away as if completely dismissing him.

The man quickly followed, seemingly unfazed by her attitude. "If I'm going to help clean up Metropolis then I need to know the full story."

"No one asked for your help." Silvia retorted stubbornly.

"No, but they need it." The new guy grimaced. "If your insistent on avoiding me though, I guess I'll just have to keep bugging you until you answer my questions."

"Good luck with that." Silvia grumbled, but the idea made her inwardly scream.

"I won't need luck, you should know by now that I'm persistent. The last time I persevered with this I got a few interviews and a date out of it."

Silvia audibly growled and her legs automatically grinded to a halt. "Clark got a date. You didn't get anything, and you never will."

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