Chapter Forty-Eight: I Do

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When Kori had flown Silvia home she hadn't expected Clark to be back for at least another hour, even less for him to be sitting on the couch waiting for her

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When Kori had flown Silvia home she hadn't expected Clark to be back for at least another hour, even less for him to be sitting on the couch waiting for her.

"Hello, Kal-El!" Kori chimed and Silvia flinched at the name. "I shall come back to visit you soon, yes?"

"We'd like that, Princess." Clark replied with a gentle smile.

Silvia wasn't sure why Starfire didn't stay for a bit longer. She must have either been in a rush to get back, or known something that she didn't. Either way Kori had disappeared into the clouds before Silvia could get an answer.

Clark stepped behind Silvia, fingers gently wrapping around her mask and pulling it off. The top half of her blonde hair was a mess, not unlike the hat hair Clark sometimes got at the farm. The bottom half of her hair was no better, if anything, it was worse. The long tangles were knotted and matted from the wind.

Clark couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, patting down the strands with little success. "Congratulations, Sil."

The girl finally turned to look at him, eyebrows knotted together in bewilderment. "You... knew about this?" She asked, holding up the transmitter.

"Of course. I'm one of the founding members, after all."

Silvia glanced down at the high tech earpiece, lips curling in concentration. "So you were the one that convinced them to make me a member?..."

"I didn't convince them of anything." Clark replied with an amused smirk. "Diana and Arthur valued your... 'warrior' spirit. Hal insisted that you've proven yourself more than capable of being a member, Barry agreed though with less enthusiasm that he trusted you, and J'onn voiced his faith in our decisions."

Silvia, at first, looked a little touched that they had all put their faith in her. This expression quickly darkened to something more like mischief and amusement at the next thought she had. "I'm sure Bruce wasn't too happy about this."

Clark pressed his lips against her forehead, entwining his hand in hers and leading her into the kitchen. "No, but he was outvoted."

This only brought the girl from being slightly entertained at the prospect of Batman's protests, to completely overjoyed at his annoyance. She could imagine the whole thing so clearly in her mind, she might as well have been there.

Bruce would argue that she couldn't be on the team because she's 'untrustworthy'. She's killed in the past, and a killer never changes. Then Diana would say something along the lines of "She wouldn't be the first killer accepted into the league." directing towards herself as proof. Hal would add "Thought you'd be a bit more understanding, Bruce. Seeing as one of your closest companions now murders the villains he catches. Red Hood, that's what he calls himself these days, isn't it?" he'd have a smug look on his face that would only irritate Bruce further.

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