Chapter Twenty-Five: Meet The Parents

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A week after her clients meeting and Silvia's change in career path was off to a good start

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A week after her clients meeting and Silvia's change in career path was off to a good start. She planned on turning in criminals to the authorities and receiving the rewards from it instead of killing them for a much larger sum, but not every villain was worth a decent amount of money. This meant she needed something else and she thought that detective work might be enough to get her through.

Her first client had a rather boring problem, one that took Silvia no longer than ten minutes to solve. Thankfully Silvia was well compensated for finding the woman's lost cat and could forget about the whole incident easily. The second she had only finished the day before. Someone had hired her to find their son, turns out there was a reason he was so hard to find... She had to dive to the bottom of a murky lake to retrieve his body.

She hadn't had much opportunity to see Clark whilst on that case but today she planned on spending as much time as possible with him. She had already headed out to central Metropolis by 10 a.m on Sunday, Clark's only day off from work.

The streets were the same as usual; packed with people and buildings too tall for her liking. There was only one major difference, and it was something that she almost missed. There was a crowd gathered around one of the nearby apartment lots, gasping and screaming like a bunch of monkeys at an overpopulated zoo.

Silvia grimaced at the sight. She thought they might be watching a fight in the street or one of those magicians that con you out of your money. That changed when another sound pierced her ears. A heart beat, one much more rapid than the rest and breathing so laboured that it could rival a dying man. Actually, that's what it sounded like. Someone inches from death.

Her gaze turned upwards and her enhanced sight zoomed into the distant stretch of architecture. Outside one of the top windows was a boy. He was standing on the ledge with tears glistening in his eyes. He didn't look any older than twenty... and no one was moving to help.

Without a second to think, Silvia dashed through the crowd. She pushed onlookers aside and squeezed through small gaps between them then bolted for the apartment complex. She pushed the button for the elevator restlessly. One second passed and she pressed it again. A mixture of panic and impatience flooded her system, forcing her toward the stairs instead when it took too long.

The staircase was winding and narrow. She climbed it with every ounce of speed and strength that she could muster, tripping over a few times in her rush to reach the top. She got there faster than any normal person could hope for... but the door was locked.

There was no way around it. Opening it would be too loud to go unnoticed by the man on the ledge but it looked like she was all out of options. Silvia stepped back, rolled her hands into fists at her side and kicked down the door. It flew off of its hinges with a loud 'bang' and Silvia rushed inside.

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