Chapter Three

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Upon waking up, Maddie realised it was her phone which had disturbed her slumber; she rolled over and grabbed it from the floor where it was lay charging. Someone was ringing her, and it was revealed to be....John. Great. "Uhh!" Maddie groaned in annoyance "what now?" she hesitantly answered the call, ending the irritating ringing that she already knew she needed to change. "Hello?" she greeted, only to hear the familiar voice of her guardian "hey brat" lovely as always "just calling to let you know that I'll be back by this afternoon" now that woke the teenager up; she pushed herself up so that she was leaning on her elbow "why?" she questioned. This triggered the man as he exclaimed "it doesn't matter why!!" Maddie rolled her eyes, thankful her guardian couldn't see her "alright, I was only asking" she defended. John continued to snap at the girl "yeah? Well don't!!" he warned "asking questions gets you into trouble, you know that!!" he wasn't wrong. Maddie had the scars to prove it. After that, John hung up to return to whatever he was previously doing. Sighing, Maddie took note on the fact that it was seven O clock; she had an hour till she was meant to get up for school but decided now was as good a time as any. She highly doubted that she would be able to return to the land of dreams after that eventful phone call. After stretching her aching limbs, Maddie decided - since John would be home by this afternoon - to clean up; the apartment was rather clean to say they had only just moved in. The fifteen-year-old threw out the moving boxes that were piled up by the front door, she cleaned the very few dishes she had made from the previous night, she double checked that she had bought everything she needed from the food store and even went so far as to clean the bathroom. By the time she had finished, it was 7:45. Sighing, Maddie sat on her bed for the remainder of that hour until her eight O clock alarm could be heard; she hopped up and once again stretched before making a B-line for the just cleaned bathroom which still stunk of bleach. It wasn't long before she was out, dried and had changed into her clothes. Most items were the same as yesterday as...well they were all she had to wear, but Maddie had another top - a white V neck.

After she had tied herhair up into a messy bun, Maddie grabbed her already packed shoulder bag andentered the kitchen where - like the morning previous - she grabbed an appleand bottle of water and placed them both into her bag, along with her phone, keys,and wallet. With that, the teenager left the apartment, locked the door, andventured towards her new school; she sped up her pace upon realising it washalf past eight and she remembered she was meeting Renesmee outside the gate atschool. After less than ten minutes of half walking half running, the fifteenyear old reached her destination and spotted her friend stood by their meetingplace "hey" Maddie greeted, earning a bright smile "hope youweren't waiting long" Renesmee reassured her that she had been there forless than a minute as she surprised the newbie with a short and friendlyembrace. "Let's head in, it's getting chilly" Maddie suggested as shewrapped her arms around herself for warm; they quickly entered the building tosee students and teachers going about their business, as well as people whocould be seen wearing the visitors' badges. "What's going on?" Maddieasked with a raised brow, confusion clear within her voice "it's career'sday" Renesmee stated simply "people from different businesses andjobs come in to talk to the students and help them decide what kind of job theymight want in the future" it sounded rather impressive and helpful"it takes up the whole school day too, so classes are cancelled" nowthat was something Maddie liked to hear. Renesmee offered her friend to spendthe day with her "we can look at all of the stalls together if you want?"she suggested, earning both a nod and a grin "sure, sounds like aplan" at least she wouldn't have to stare at that map Alice had made forher. The two friends spent their time within the canteen until the bell rang,indicating everyone to begin their look around at all the stalls - there wereat least five or six within every classroom. As they began, Maddie made thesame comment she had thought when it came to the drawn-up map, earning achuckle from the slightly older teenager "Alice told me about that"she smirked "she did the same thing for me when I first statedschool".

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