Chapter Twenty

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All the Cullen's and Hale's regained their own strength by drink an already prepared bottle of blood...and a few more; the four young teenage friends sat in the kitchen after Esme had cooked them all something to eat as Maddie, the hungry fifteen-year-old, hadn't eaten since last night's party. She did, however, appear to be very distracted during their meal and conversation as she repeatedly turned to glance out of the window towards the forest. "You alright Maddie?" Renesmee asked as she noticed her friend do the same action for the tenth time within seven minutes; the human nodded, returning the smile with a small one of her own which earned a smirk from Jacob who realised what was wrong with his newest friend. "You're worried about Selena, aren't you?" he asked, though it could have been taken as a statement - Seth and Renesmee realised he was right and couldn't contain their giggles; Maddie rolled her eyes as she sat back in her seat and folded her arms "of course I am" she agreed, surprising her three friends - only by a little of course "she just fought a vampire in order to protect me and was pretty beaten up from it". She didn't even try to hide her worry like she usual does. Three long and uneventful hours passed - the Cullen's and Hale's decided to join the young girls and werewolves within the kitchen, standing around and leaning against the counter top - before Selena finally returned with her energy and strength once again - she greeted the family and friends as she entered the kitchen "everyone alright?" she asked; they all nodded as the vampire walked towards Maddie and wrapped her arms around her, pressing the younger girl's back against her front. The action was very much welcome. "What about you?" Selena asked, her voice soft and gentle as she tilted her head to see the human's face within her embrace; Maddie nodded with a smile "better now that you're back" she added.

Everyone else watched the adorable sight with pleased smiles before they suggested they should move to the living room now that Renesmee and Maddie had finished their meals; they all found a seat before Carlisle decided to ask his old friend what she was going to do now that the danger has passed - Selena felt a twinge of worry upon hearing the question. And it didn't help when Selena seemed to think about it too!! Nevertheless, she hid her concern and remained silent as she listened "to be honest, I planned to go back to Africa after your threatening vampire was taken care of" she explained; Maddie felt her heart drop upon hearing her statement. "But" Selena continued as a small smile began to form "I might stick around for a while" she added as her eyes landed on the girl that was still in her arms. Upon hearing this, Maddie couldn't hold back her own smile - not that she really wanted to "besides, there might be more danger in the future that you need help with" the vampire added lastly; Esme chuckled "well you are more than welcome to stay here Selena" she offered with a smile "there's plenty of room". By the end of the conversation, it was agreed and arranged that the young vampire was to stay with them; they decided to celebrate with a movie and popcorn; all of the couples soon found themselves cuddled together, which included the two clearly close 'friends' who remained in the armchair - Maddie was sat in the vampires lap with her head resting on her shoulder. They hadn't even reached the middle of the film before the human found herself falling into a very much needed sleep; Selena quickly noticed and stood from her seat with the sleeping girl in her arms "I'm gonna put her to bed" she whispered to the others as they looked to see what she was doing; they all nodded and returned their attention to the screen as the female vampire left the room and made her way up the stairs.

Once in the teenager's bedroom, Selena lay the girl down onto the bed, only for Maddie to begin to stir in her sleep before her eyes peaked open; the vampire apologised "I didn't mean to wake you, love". Smiling tiredly, Maddie shrugged it off as she sat up "I need to change into my pj's anyway" she stated as she grabbed them from one of her draws before entering the bathroom to change and clean her teeth. Selena took a seat at the desk as she waited; five minutes passed and the door opened once again, revealing Maddie who was wearing her grey vest top and matching shorts. "Looking good" Selena commented with a smirk, forcing a light shade of pink to cover the human's cheeks "they're just my pyjama's Selena" she remained, using her nickname for the vampire who agreed "but you always look good in my eyes". Laughing, Maddie threw her party clothes into the laundry basket before lying on her bed with a book in her hand that she had retrieved from one of the draws in her desk. Selena rose a brow as she stood from the chair as lay down on the bed beside the fifteen year old who began to write in the book "is that your diary?" she older teenager asked earning a nod "something like that" Maddie said before glancing towards her....friend "and don't you dare try to read it" she warned as they both smirked "I would never!!" she defended. Once she had finished, Maddie pushed her diary on top of her bed side table before turning to the vampire who was lovingly gazing at her "...what are we?" she asked, earning a confused raised brow from the girl opposite her as she asked what she meant "what are we as in....I in relationship wise?" she expanded, embarrassed to ask but she really wanted to know. Understanding, Selena gave a fond smile "well I don't tend to go around making out with people for the fun of it" she stated truthfully with a chuckle "you said you liked me, back at the cave....I like you too Maddie" she confessed. The fifteen-year-old felt her heart flutter whilst a flutter of butterflies were in the middle of some kind of acrobat performance within her stomach as Selena stoked her hand against one of her blushing cheeks.

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